Example sentences of "that [pron] [verb] at [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I reckoned that I had at least one brigade of white cells on the start line with other brigades available as required .
2 I can honestly say that I feel at least equal to them , often above them ; and I do n't enter any relations with them that are n't on my terms .
3 I just said ‘ Yes ? ’ and as I dropped the pen she 'd handed me back into her bag , I noticed that she carried at least two fat rolls of ten-pound notes secured with circular gold clips shaped like salamanders , or maybe alligators .
4 The last two competitors may be called upon to save the day , so always ensure that you keep at least one good finisher in hand .
5 Make it your goal to listen in , such a way that you ask at least one question by the end of each class .
6 All we ask is that you take at least four books during your first year 's membership from the many hundreds you 'll be offered .
7 Our only request is that you choose at least three books in your first year 's membership .
8 In theory , you have to ensure that you have at least two trees in flower at the same time so that they can pollinate each other , otherwise you may get no fruit at all .
9 The important thing is to ensure that you acquire at least one of these versions of Rachmaninov 2 — if it 's a piece you 're still not familiar with , then now 's as good a time as any to rush down to your local shop and do something about it .
10 An arrangement may be made so that you look at only one person who ‘ interprets ’ what is said , through writing or clear speech , but awareness of the ‘ feel ’ of the meeting and possible eye contact can not be easily conveyed at second hand .
11 Although people do run marathons week after week , I feel that you need at least four weeks , and preferably six , before you can run another one well .
12 What 's more , everything is offered to you at considerably less than publishers ' prices — and , in return for these guaranteed savings , we ask only that you buy at least six books in your first year of membership .
13 The argument from analogy concedes the first half of this but denies the second , claiming that we have at least some evidence to the contrary .
14 Meetings are , of course , an important part of work ; indeed some people have calculated that they spend at least 60 per cent of their time in meetings of one sort or another .
15 What is clear , though , is that the bereaved have a special place in God 's kingdom and this should be reflected in his church so that bereaved people can feel that they have at least one known place where they can feel at home .
16 Provided that they have at least one year 's service with the University by the expected date of birth , women are eligible for 18 weeks maternity leave on full pay , followed by up to 22 weeks unpaid maternity leave .
17 In AMS the charged particles are subjected to large voltage differences so that they travel at very high speeds .
18 She looked it over , saw that it had at least two exits , and gave him a cautious yes .
19 Width is n't too important , as long as you 've got a bit of elbow room : we made ours so that it finished at around one metre wide .
20 The sensitivity of the initiative is underlined by the fact that it took at least five months for Unix Labs and Santa Cruz to agree on a basic specification drawn up by UK firm IXI Ltd and edited by Unix Labs .
21 LTP has since been found in all excitatory pathways in the hippocampus , as well as in several other regions in the brain , and there is growing evidence that it underlies at least certain forms of memory .
22 Whichever type of window you choose , ensure that it has at least one casement or sash that can be easily opened to provide an exit in case of emergency .
23 As in the case of Sugar , the ORB 's of both of these Squadrons are incomplete regarding ED888 , but it is fairly certain that it completed at least 140 operations .
24 There is now an irreducible minimum for the strength of the beam , namely that it contains at least one photon !
25 It has not taken IBM Corp long to admit informally that its target of 25,000 job cuts this year is on the low side , and the company now says that it expects at least 6,000 jobs to be cut at its three main operations in the Hudson Valley in upstate New York , where previously it had forecast between 3,000 and 3,500 : IBM told Reuters that the job cuts , which will likely include layoffs , will come from the company 's mainframe business in Poughkeepsie and Kingston , where at least 2,000 jobs will be cut , up from the company 's previous expectations of between 600 to 800 , and it also sees bigger staff cuts at the East Fishkill chip facility , which now expects to lose about 4,000 workers , up from about 3,000 — IBM is phasing out semiconductor operations in East Fishkill , moving some of the work to Burlington , Vermont , some to Essonnes , France ; advanced semiconductor research and packaging remains in East Fishkill ; the company says that despite the increased cuts , it believes that the charges it took in the fourth quarter will still be sufficient .
26 Dad told them he went for a drink to the pub at Goldsithney , that he left at about nine and came straight home . ’
27 The judge gave Vernage five life sentences and recommended that he serve at least 25 years .
28 Although Geoffrey appeared to be absorbed in a book he had picked up , she had no doubt that he had at least one ear open to the conversation .
29 No law of equal time exists to ensure that he appears at as many international summits as she does .
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