Example sentences of "that [pron] [verb] [vb pp] in [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He thought it a great feat that she had got in from the Point in an hour and a quarter .
2 So everything 's there , printing presses repro separation houses , sheet film , computer set up and Apple Macs and everything is there , it 's actually a very impressive set up erm , the Queen Margaret 's course , I 'm slightly dubious about I once had a colleague I 'm going back a decade who had been employed on the basis of doing the communications course at Queen Margaret I think , and it turned out that it was n't communications as we understood it , it was n't our sort of communications P R newspapers and things like that , it was communications on a much broader , broader front so it did n't actually fit in to the world of P R and what happened was I then had to sit down and train this woman from scratch and get rid of a lot of the preconceived notions that she had come in with she had brought from Queen Margaret 's College .
3 So then this fellow comes to the phone , obviously his missus had entered it and he did n't have a bloody clue that she 'd gone in for it and he 'd just come home from work and er Annika Rice there , saying oh where is she ?
4 All of her sweet , loving nature that she 'd turned in on herself , waiting for this one moment in her life , this moment of truth , and it had all been for nothing .
5 The the grades , you do not mark the essays that you 've put in at course work t erm you do n't mark the exam questions to the same rigorous standard .
6 The Greater York authorities therefore looked for a widening of the options available , er , in Greater York , and those that have seen the Greater York study , and it is a document that we 've put in to the examination will see that there was a fundamental full scale wide ranging er assessment er of all the options er open er within the er Greater York er area and they are er set out erm in pages three er and four of N Y five .
7 Erm the third one is we 've got a small amount of money out of , think again it 's out of TEED and , but it 's N Y T E C have got hold of it and it 's to do with further development of the Careers Service Tech Partnership , but it 's only a few thousand , it 's a very small n amount compared , I mean the bid that we 've put in for this Standards and Indicators is more like sort of thirty thousand .
8 Er I wonder if this planning coincidentally , that we 've put in with with the commitments which has got the district boundaries on , may be in fact er more helpful in determining the the the one three six three .
9 If British tennis is to ever rise above the mediocrity that it has wallowed in for decades , then juniors have to be given greater access to courts and coaching .
10 He reported that he had come in by helicopter , and had claimed the hill as Balboa 's on the advice of William , and in a formal note to the Explorers ' Club of New York , of which he was a member .
11 Then he remembered the time that he had walked in on the Politburo meeting and arrested Beria .
12 Some sixty per cent of the amendments that we 've adopted in this field have been incorporated in the finished legislation and that means in reality that much of the content of these laws has come from Nigel 's pen , the pens of the other trade unionists inside and outside the G M B that he 's plugged in to that system extremely worthwhile .
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