Example sentences of "that [pron] [verb] [vb pp] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The revelations of evil that I had experienced had brought me only to confusion and powerlessness .
2 But on the whole once I 've got talking it 's been very successful , and people are always amazed at what they do remember in great detail about how they got things , why they got them , when they got them , and I think by and large the people that I have talked to have found it very interesting to do for themselves as well as for me .
3 And it was then , when she was thinking about going away to Vienna , that she had begun to feel trapped .
4 She 'd been so angry , after seeing the first picture of him with Dara , that she 'd wanted to get rid of anything that had reminded her of their time together .
5 Every precaution that she 'd taken had proved to have been justified , but she doubted that she 'd managed to do any good .
6 Is it just been recently that you 've started to get involved ?
7 Three point one okay so this is where the model , in effect what we 've done which is a very crude way , right , of erm incorporating exogamous influences , right , we have n't said tha that the war is going to affect the income or price elasticity what we did do , right , all that we 're doing is that we 're allowing the intercept of our model to change , right , now as a result , we 've got , we can prove the st the statistical significance of all the variables in our model , right , the co the actual coefficients that we 've estimated have changed quite significant , particularly in the er the incoming elasticity , right , the incoming elasticity was less than one , right , and insignificance before was now greater than one and height of R squared has also increased dramatically our measure of explanatory power .
8 And as you 've seen with previous closures of our homes , the last three , is that we 've been able to utilize some of those resources to provide that shift in policy which has been very successful , and has , er , a process that we 've got has allayed people 's fears who 've been used for those residential home agreements .
9 Exhibitions such as those that we have mentioned have proved to be outstandingly successful , both in terms of the numbers of visitors attracted , and in terms of the manifest satisfaction that most visitors experienced .
10 Then the car leaped forward and the driver 's door that he 'd forgotten to close swung out and hit the stone pillar at the entrance to the forecourt .
11 Norman , however , recollects that at first Minton did not take it very seriously ; but one evening , when the two men had arranged to meet in a pub before going to the opera , Norman arrived late , having spent the afternoon with Henrietta , and realised on seeing Minton that he had begun to feel left out .
12 It has been suggested that he has claimed to have absorbed the banned substance through eating meat but one observer claimed cryptically yesterday : ‘ He would have to eat three cows a day for that to be the case . ’
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