Example sentences of "that [pron] [verb] [verb] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had n't slept in a bed like that before , yet there were all those advertisements for them on television , and they were on display in shop windows and in almost all the big stores in London so that I 'd imagined them in all the houses I could see from the bus .
2 I told him that I 'd seen her in the company of a minder I did n't like the look of and that I 'd followed them to Woolwich .
3 Not that I 'd told them about Chris , but they 'd suspected .
4 I read both books this year and found them so interesting and closely related , that I decided to use them for my coursework .
5 Although I 've talked about some of them before there is such a feeling in fashion for double jacquard that I want to suggest them to you again .
6 I learned Dimac from a lama in Tibet and my hands are so deadly that I have to keep them in a locked closet when they 're not in use .
7 And seeing that someone had joined them in the chapel , he pinched Caterina 's cheek , and lightly slapping her shoulder , said aloud , ‘ Away with you , find someone else to pester . ’
8 This week NRPB staff said privately that they were angry that nobody had told them of their gaff .
9 This is a relative newcomer to the hobby , so new that nobody has slotted them into a genus yet .
10 And suddenly the emotions that went tearing through her were so terrifying , so cataclysmic , that she had to thrust them from her .
11 She sits and watches , and they do not even realize that she has provoked them to it .
12 Lifeboat crews in turn depend on you and the thousands of Governors and other supporters that you represent to speed them on their way with the resources you provide so unstintingly .
13 You know it 's in in the form that we 've done them in the past .
14 This is the first time since 1969 that we 've had them on site .
15 The first thing I thought of was that we 'd offended them in some way we did n't know — done a terrible insult to their gods or something .
16 Although we have tried to express these scientific impulses fairly , we hereby give notice that we intend to question them in later chapters .
17 Er the goods that what , not goods that we want to give them like junk food and ludicrous fashions , to find out what it is that they want this of equipment and no , and do n't forget the know-how , I mean we are , we have a hell of a Know-how in this country which is not being used .
18 I stress that we have made them in the most constructive vein possible .
19 It is just that we do treat them as propositions which need no justification but which can justify others .
20 However , if we worshipped a goddess who lived on Snowdon and adored strawberries , then non-practical , noneconomic ideas might dictate that we did grow them on the mountain top .
21 Members were pleased when constituents said that they had seen them on the box , and only one Member had received complaints that he had not been seen .
22 Pupils got on so well with the decorators when the school got its first brush-up for more than a decade that they decided to remember them in a life-size painting .
23 One is to imagine that , for the most part , they find on examination that they hold these ideals , that they have taken them in part from the culture of their society . ’
24 There are cases , however , where the military has seen itself as a force for modernization , particularly in societies perceived to be ruled by traditional elites , and where the military may become imbued with the norms of Western processes of industrialization to the extent that it seeks to impose them on society .
25 Whatever the division among teachers about aspects of the new curriculum , most found that it has brought them into a closer relationship with the school library :
26 A drawback is that it 's put them in the frame for some pretty clueless advances from non-comprehending journalists eager to get to the bottom of this modernist lark .
27 ( 10 ) He would concoct anecdotes and then he 'd tell them to me over and over again , you know , obviously not realizing that he 'd told them to me before .
28 In the same year Giovanni Animuccia ( C. 1500–1571 ) , who succeeded Palestrina as master of the Cappella Giuliana in 1555 and was succeeded by him in 1571 , described his First Book of Masses as composed ‘ seconda la forma del Concilio di Trento ’ , and Vincenzo Ruffo ( c. 1510–1587 ) of Milan Cathedral explained in the dedication of his book of Masses ‘ according to the Milan rite ’ ( 1570 ) that he had composed them on Borromeo 's instructions ‘ ex sancti tridentini Concilii decreto ’ .
29 The man standing by my side said that he had seen them behind the terminal .
30 Several women friends of Waddell said that he had given them within days of the murder large sums of money ; and a barman to whom Waddell had given £1000 for safe keeping said Waddell had told him he had won a packet on the horses .
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