Example sentences of "that [pron] [modal v] [verb] what [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He seemed to take it for granted that everyone would do what he told them .
2 As she slept in her Italian-designed tube steel bed with the iron-grey duvet , she felt sure that Steve in the room across the corridor must know who was in there with her , and as she went to work next day , she felt sure that everyone must see what she was dragging with her .
3 Hundreds more will follow , prompting Mr Hildesheimer to suggest that the best commemoration would be not to perform Mozart at all until next year , so that everyone could realise what they had been missing .
4 Then , without warning , she grabbed hard and pulled it up into the air so that everyone could see what she was doing .
5 Breathe on me breath of God , fill me with life anew , that I may love what thou dost love , and do what thou wouldst do .
6 Okay let's have a look at that I 'll tell what we 'll do I 'll I 'll suggest a couple of exercises in that for you to work through .
7 ‘ Of course , the twins are well past the nappy stage — or I imagine they must be — and , since I 've promised Liz that I 'll look after them , you can be sure that I 'll do what I can . ’
8 ‘ You know , Charlie my boy , from the way you says that I can tell what you really want is the dirt .
9 The argument also assumes ( b ) that I can understand what it is for others to have mental states .
10 I also know how to get the red-tailed buzzard out of a tree at night , so if it flies off I stay by the tree in which it settles until dark , then I go and fetch sticks and a torch so that I can see what I 'm doing .
11 Interested , I asked him to whack my bottom with the same instrument and urged him to do it properly so that I could feel what it was like — he did so and I was only just able to restrain my tears it hurt so much .
12 Dragging the pad towards him he found a clean page and wrote : Dear Harsnet , I know you never answer my letters or return my calls , and I know that you handed over your notes to me on the understanding that I could do what I liked with them and not bother you , but I have to say that while there is much in them that I admire , as I will always admire much in you , no matter what , there is also much in them that seems to me to be puerile and , to put it mildly , bigoted .
13 I spent a good while asking for something written down so that I could see what I was and was n't supposed to do , but that was a forlorn hope .
14 ‘ I knew J B Priestley a bit and he once suggested to me that I should do what he did in the Thirties , which was to take a trip around Britain talking to people .
15 ‘ I told her that she could do what she liked as long as she got her arse out of the building , and quick .
16 Friend stood back — or rather , his pattern spun off a little way so that she could see what it was that they had built inside the black of infinity .
17 It was some time since she and Papa had played one of their fierce games ; he never gave quarter to anyone , but she thought that she could remember what he had taught her .
18 We ca n't think of a better guarantee that you 'll get what you pay for .
19 Beginner 's course in how to use vidoe equipment : camera , sound lighting , editing in-camera and on a 2-machine suite : how to work as a team ; how to look critically at your video work in order to improve it ; how to begin to feel confident while using the equipment so that you can achieve what you want to achieve .
20 The funnel described in this chapter makes the animals come out of the soil or leaves so that you can see what they look like and find out how many there are .
21 There is an improvement to Ami Pro 's style sheets in that there is now a Viewer so that you can see what they look like before selecting one .
22 As I say , I would like you to be in fairly close proximity to where I am so that you can see what I 'm doing and hear what I 'm saying .
23 and then finding someway what they 've said on there is try to make some sentences that use it so that you can remember what it looks like .
24 In order that you can understand what I am talking about , I will tell you a little about the story line .
25 STEP 10 CAPTION — Having entered the macro save it as BLOCKCNT.SMM , filling in the description box so that you can understand what it does .
26 Decide where you want the storage directory to be , and name it so that you can understand what it is used for ; for instance , you may create it as follows :
27 Should he remain adamant , it may be necessary to point out that you will do what he wishes but that it is against the judgement of the agency .
28 Yeah and all you know things that it 's almost expected that you will understand what they mean .
29 I ask that you should pay what I have provided and legated and what I shall provide and legate in codicils . ’
30 When Pietro told us that you were going on the pay-off I felt that you should know what you were getting yourself into . ’
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