Example sentences of "that [pron] [be] [adv] important [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think that itself is quite important in a lot of ways , ’ says Gedge .
2 But individualism rests on the assumption that individuals are not like this : it is because they themselves contribute to the system of social life that they are so important in explaining it .
3 But the ear bones of toothed whales are heavy and quite rudimentary , and we do not think that they are very important in transmitting received ultrasounds .
4 I think that it 's very important for people who smoke not to blame themselves , it is not their fault they smoke .
5 You said the child may not be developing in the way the parent expects the child to develop , and I think that it 's very important for parents to check out their expectations .
6 You said the child may not be developing in the way the parent expects the child to develop , and I think that it 's very important for parents to check out their expectations .
7 The point I made to half , and now I 'll make it again to the whole , yesterday , was that it 's very important to , to define your roles in a particular thing .
8 NCD 's share shows no sign of slipping , says Greg Blatnik of the X Business Group , even though the system vendors are all likely to increase their share — one reason might be that it 's more important for NCD systems to work with a variety of hosts — Peter Wellings of NCD 's UK distributor Xanadu claims that DEC , for instance , has had its X-terminal success mostly confined to existing DEC installations .
9 Just because the regional dimension has not received the attention afforded to monetary union , that does not mean that it is less important to our future economic well-being .
10 Finally , I believe that it is less important for feminists to establish a particular set of nonsexist conventions as ‘ standard ’ than to make people aware of the non-neutrality of language .
11 The Commission , the Court and the European Parliament have always taken the view that it is more important for ‘ Europe ’ to have a common defence , trade , health or dog-registration policy than for this policy to be effective .
12 By now it will hopefully have become evident that it is more important for the drama teacher to develop questioning skills than to have an armoury of clever ideas .
13 What she is really saying , after all this time , is that it is more important for a woman than a man to look good .
14 Some suggest that it is more important to be able to bring political pressure to bear , so that the elected representatives of whatever sex will pass legislation of benefit to women .
15 The fact remains that it is undoubtedly important for an ad to have at its core a more or less straightforward main benefit that is being offered to the consumer .
16 I meant , I think , that it is very important to Leila , or it was then , to have a man , simply have a man .
17 Tom adds that it is very important for young horses to have their teeth checked before they are bitted and broken ; racehorses usually have their first session at two years-old .
18 I said at the time that it was rather important from the point of view of the economy that we should not have wage increases which we could not afford .
19 Life in Parma at the beginning of the school year seemed normal apart from the Fascist propaganda in the papers , but one began to sense that the members of the Party were becoming even more arrogant and domineering than before , and that it was increasingly important for people with different ideas to keep them to themselves and never to discuss politics .
20 It was stressed that it was vitally important for those going to work in other countries to have training in the cross- cultural dimension .
21 Mrs Singh expressed her feelings that it was very important for all her children to speak Punjabi and she was afraid that they might not do this if she and Mr Singh spoke English .
22 The United Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont said on June 23 that G-7 ministers had concluded that it was more important for the Soviet Union to initiate a programme of domestic economic reform than to be the recipient of massive financial aid .
23 Mendès-France thereby demonstrated that it was more important to him to keep the French army free from supranational controls than it was to prevent German rearmament .
24 will be the respect and regard with which the populace hold their own Chiefs and Elders , and not him , combined with general good relations between the private individuals which compose the clan , and the general prosperity of the unit … where the policy of the government is to rule indirectly the political officer must be satisfied with the knowledge , locked securely in his breast , that he is very important to the native population although they are not aware of it .
25 Trent knew that he was insufficiently important to be the target so there had to be linkage .
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