Example sentences of "that [pron] [be] [verb] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Or suppose that I am eating escargots for the first time and can not bring myself to forget the disgustingly slimy look and feel of snails in the garden .
2 When they rise to an equal level , like for instance if I have a choice between going to a woman doctor and a man doctor and they 're both on the GP list , I will choose the woman , because the woman has had to fight tooth and nail , probably , and work much harder , to get at an equal level with the man , so I would suspect that I 'm getting value for and quality there by going for the woman .
3 ‘ Before that I was modelling clothes for some of the best fashion-houses in London — and in Paris too , sometimes . ’
4 Anyway , now that you 're having treatment for the myxoedema , the risk of dementia has all but gone .
5 Finally , you are looking to see that you are getting value for money , and getting what you are paying for — area of land , size of rooms , and ( dare I say it ? ) good neighbours .
6 Ladies and gentlemen , he would say , Ladies and gentlemen , now it gives me very great pleasure to introduce the woman who is responsible for holding this whole show together ; the woman who first understood all those years ago that there was crying need for a place where all you lovely people could gather of an evening , the one that we all know and love , and so … would you please welcome on stage , the very lovely , the very talented … once again … our very own … and sometimes he would fade out , and not even say her name , and he would pause , he would make us wait , he would suspend his elegant hands over the keys ; and then , in that silence , he would play the first notes of the actual song itself .
7 By concentrating upon the physical consequences , the surgeons are deluding themselves and their patients into believing that they are helping the problem and that they are providing encouragement for the future .
8 The buyers of services are becoming more selective , unconcerned about cosy established relationships and anxious to be convinced that they are receiving value for money : competitiveness and excellence are the watchwords for the future .
9 Recently carriers such as MCI Communications Corp have announced that they are to adopt SNMP for management and agents .
10 Fortunately , his fame had not yet reached the gutters so the winos were not aware that they were providing material for a movie star 's performance .
11 Members of suitable quality were needed , but members must feel that they were getting value for money .
12 It was that in no way was I going to bring a coffin from Stoke-on-Trent to Llandderfel on the roof-rack of a Metro and that they were driving north for the weekend and would stop off and pick it up on the way home .
13 Pharmacists say that they were promised payment for the service .
14 This entry , entitled Gravesend Quotes , has appeared since I installed Quote For The Day , so it 's a safe bet that it 's storing information for that program .
15 If you are stuck in a boring job , concentrate on the fact that it is providing money for your needs and your pleasures and that it gives you a measure of independence .
16 The company is understood to have abandoned development of the Repository altogether , and the switch of strategy leaves the whole AD/Cycle concept in complete disarray , though the company says that it is reaffirming support for the AD/Cycle tools available : to do anything else would leave the company open to all manner of retaliation from AD/Cycle International Alliance Members .
17 Another very important factor was that at the Boat Show the R Y A announced that it was taking responsibility for the national coordination of all activities er for sailors with special needs , that 's blind , deaf , disabled and there are many organizations who are working in this field but the R Y A is the coordinator .
18 Siemens AG is disputing a politically-sensitive article carried in The Wall Street Journal Europe on February 16 , which claims that , for the first time , a top Siemens manager , Heinrich von Pierer , said he was looking for a strategic partner for ailing Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG ( CI No 2,117 ) : Pierer allegedly stated that he was not interested in a ‘ one-sided partnership ’ , rather in one that involved ‘ real co-operation ’ ; according to Computerwoche , Siemens denied any claim that it was seeking shelter for Siemens Nixdorf under the umbrella of Japanese or US competitors , ‘ like the other three European computer firms ’ ; the Journal 's London office says the paper is sticking by its story .
19 Siemens AG is disputing a politically-sensitive article carried in The Wall Street Journal Europe on February 16 , which claims that , for the first time , a top Siemens manager , Heinrich von Pierer , said he was looking for a strategic partner for ailing Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG : Pierer allegedly stated that he was not interested in a ‘ one-sided partnership ’ , rather in one that involved ‘ real co-operation ’ ; according to Computerwoche , Siemens denied any claim that it was seeking shelter for Siemens Nixdorf under the umbrella of Japanese or US competitors , ‘ like the other three European computer firms ’ ; the Journal 's London office says the paper is sticking by its story .
20 In London , the Home Office confirmed that it was processing applications for leave to remain on behalf of the three .
21 As the lorry neared him he could see that it was carrying fruit for the city .
22 Mr. Wilson : We know that the Hon. Gentleman is advising both companies — he informed us of that in Committee and has said so again tonight — but is it correct that he is backing Strathtay for his own area ?
23 Lee Kuan Yew 's son Lee Hsien Loong took over Goh 's post as PAP first assistant secretary-general and remained a Deputy Prime Minister ; however , he had given up the Trade and Industry portfolio in mid-November after announcing that he was undergoing treatment for cancer .
24 ft informed us that he was leaving Salamanca for England on his motor bike , via Cherbourg , and that we could expect him in Bath on a certain day .
25 He had addressed such matters in Edinburgh , St Andrews , and would in Glasgow , with an awareness that he was reporting Scotland for an English audience as he might have reported Bavaria or Sweden .
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