Example sentences of "that [art] great [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 He noted how Pius IX had used the Feast of the Immaculate Conception , 8 December , to advance the various stages of Vatican I. He used Pentecost in this way because , as he said , ‘ It is from the spirit and doctrine of Pentecost that the great event of the Ecumenical Council draws its substance and its life ’ ( Acta Apostolica Sedis 52 , p. 517 ) .
2 It must never be forgotten that the great majority of the English people had only a passing interest in the niceties of academic theology , and that outside the bishops ' palaces and the two universities such issues remained relatively unimportant .
3 Furthermore , it is almost certainly true that the great majority of the English laity did not share the intellectuals ' and higher clergy 's attachment to the doctrine of predestination , but retained instead a residual loyalty to the idea that all could potentially achieve salvation .
4 There can be little doubt that the great majority of the population were ready to accept the return of Anglicanism and eager to participate in the services outlined in the revised Prayer Book of 1662 .
5 The second map ( figure 5.14 ) shows the geography of the Department of Defense 's spending on salaries ( for civilians and service personnel together ) , and indicates that the great majority of the southern States ( with the exceptions of Louisiana and Arkansas ) were substantial beneficiaries , whereas northeastern States got much less than the national average per capita expenditure in this category .
6 The selection of the lead cases was aimed to ensure that the great majority of the very important points of law which are at issue in all cases are authoritatively decided , and it is hoped that , as a result , clear guidance will be given to the large number of remaining cases which are stayed , leading to settlements ( or at least the elimination of some issues common to the lead cases ) and the avoidance of a multiplicity of litigation .
7 The general impression of investigators is that the great majority of the graduates , in spite of certain difficulties , enjoy their work .
8 Does he appreciate that the great advantage of the scheme in the Somerset Levels , which I represent and where I live , is that all parties interested in the conservation of the wildlife and landscape of the area are sitting down and talking together ?
9 Moreover , whilst it is true that the great popularity of the environmental improvements in the centres has turned attention towards restraining traffic in other areas , it is also clear that as car ownership and use rises , there is no political consensus for banning cars in the rest of the city .
10 I have the feeling , too , that the great object of the recording engineers here has been to present the full sound-range from the faintest pianissimo to the most thunderous triple- forte , and to ensure also that we hear as it were the furthest tip of the singers ' sibilants and the deepest reverberation of the bass drum .
11 I have always felt that the great truth of the words uttered by my right hon. Friend the former Prime Minister was that she had pierced the bubble of the omniscience of the social worker — the concept that every problem in society can be resolved by the intervention of a bureaucrat — and had identified the fact that the real core of social development is an individual 's self-reliance and reliance upon the family .
12 But against this Vernon warned Hunsdon that the great elevation of the Lord Chamberlain 's position would arouse jealousy , involve heavy expenses , tie him to the court , and expose him to disgrace for any errors that he might commit .
13 Apart from the 1 per cent who have their own private supplies , the great majority of the UK population rely upon the decisions of the water suppliers to ensure that the great bulk of the water we drink and cook with is ‘ wholesome ’ .
14 Dr Runcie said that the great point of the meeting would be in its ripple effect and symbolic effect all round the world .
15 It is therefore almost inevitable that the great mystery of the epic of Finland , the Kalevala , should irresistibly recall the Silmarils : it is the riddle of the sampo , or tsampo .
16 In Rutland the jurors swore on 25 July that a great part of the county had been afforested by Henry II , though there is evidence that this had been done by Henry I. Subsequent returns for Leicestershire , Nottinghamshire and Somerset also demanded extensive disafforestments .
17 As I think Mr Gillett already suspects , the truth is that a great part of the Willesden Green library stock was sacrificed on the altar of Community Librarianship .
18 It is certainly true that a great deal of the competition between nationalists and unionists concerned the distribution of resources .
19 Travelling through England it is at once apparent that a great deal of the settlement in the landscape is today not in the form of villages , nor was it for much of the past .
20 It can not be stressed too strongly that a great deal of the blame for unsatisfactory deeds must lie in the failure of the Scottish legal profession to provide itself with a service for new styles .
21 Sheila Hancock agrees that a great deal of the Williams intellectual showing off was to rid himself of the ‘ Carry On ’ persona .
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