Example sentences of "you [vb base] i be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm ready when you want I 'm going to this time daddy .
2 And you say I 'm gon na move out , you know .
3 Last week if you remember I was talking about the primary concern of the state , a concern er which is paramount is a concern for its security and I said if you remember that there was an approach er toward the study of international politics called realism which stressed the importance of what has been termed the power security hypothesis .
4 You know I am going to be a doctor , Mufundishi .
5 ‘ Sorry to hold you up , but I feel filthy — you know I 'm serving in a café — ’ ( she said ‘ café ’ , it sounded right .
6 If someone a obviously it 's it 's what I 'm asking is hypothetical anyway because I mean the flats are coming down so no one new can move in , but say you actually if if it was possible for other people to move into these flats and you knew someone and they said erm , You know I 'm thinking of moving into Green flats , what would you say ?
7 You know I 'm babysitting on Wednesdays ?
8 Because that means they 're gon na be iffy on the phone gon na be iffy in everything they do and I as you know I have you know I 'm gon na take a flier with you .
9 to use the negotiating technique of come on fella you know I 'm gon na get I 'm gon na get chewed over if I do n't
10 you know I 'm gon na take the kids to see Snow White at the weekend
11 Yeah put them in the sale , you know I 'm gon na put them in the sale see if we can get a few bob right , pattern first I should imagine .
12 Joan kill the war you know I 'm gon na get tonight .
13 Well , you know I 'm going to Mavis , in the soup , loop the loop
14 and I , and I thought well let's try it cos you know I 'm going on what we it was brought up
15 I think they had to close this pub down you know I was listening to somebody talk about it cos there were drugs going on in it .
16 Lead words , if you want to sit down and , in , in general you see er , you want to just sit down and think about what you 're doing and what you 're not doing , you can sit down and exercise on these words , now I 'm not saying you 'd ever want to do that , right now if , now you know I was saying to you about comparative questions right
17 yeah , you know I was gon na go to judo on Wednesday do n't I ?
18 No with erm , just the purple , you know I was gon na do it all cerise
19 You know I was talking of cotton and Repetitive Stress Syndrome ?
20 You see , you know I was talking to you earlier about , about punchlines basically , but I ca n't remember the words I was using for it , times like by the way , right right , or did you know or did I mention to you do you follow me , a lot of key lines that you can think on that you use
21 You know I was dreaming about the office
22 Perhaps you feel I 'm slacking in my role as host ?
23 and then you go I 'm gon na get that one at the top and they were running up to the top picked it and they , and ran down again
24 ‘ Yanto Gates , ’ she squeaked , ‘ if you think I am going to hare around the country in all winds and weathers in a contraption like that , you 've got another think coming .
25 ‘ I 'm sorry if you think I 'm getting at you , Kathleen .
26 Now just in case you think I 'm sinking into the role of a self-righteous preacher , who enjoys telling other people off about their sins , so that he does n't have to bother about his own ,
27 You think I 'm joking about the Porsche , do n't you ?
28 You think I 'm gon na get two ?
29 ‘ If you think I 'm falling into that trap you really have picked the wrong man to tangle with .
30 He says , the wicked are like the tossing sea , and you know , as far the bible is concerned , the wicked is not necessarily the man or the woman who does terrible deeds , the wicked is not necessarily who is , who is a murderer , or a child molesterer , or a thief or or or a wife beater or something like that , the wicked is the person who rejects God , who turns their back on God , who says thank you , I can go through my life without , I do n't need you , I do n't even believe you exist , and even if I do believe you exist I 'm gon na do things my way , I 'm gon na go through life as I choose .
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