Example sentences of "you [vb base] [verb] [pron] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You are good at expressing yourself , which stands you in good stead if you want to ask someone to do you a favour .
2 That 's what I mean , they 're the only ones that , you know wanted them to see it really .
3 And this situation will continue until you decide to do something to change it .
4 So what we 're gon na do was do what Peter wanted and have from Monday , if you do want us to do it .
5 Erm , I think what erm the purpose for me , anyway , or the effect of under setting up the Gothic in detail and then undermining it , is that when you do allow it to stand it 's much more effective .
6 You 've done nothing to make them like you .
7 ‘ I 'm glad to hear that you 've found someone to help you with the children at last , ’ he said , sitting down on the sofa beside her .
8 Glaring from one to the other as they stood on either side of the bed , she said crossly to Lucy , ‘ So you 've brought him to see me at last .
9 You know , you 've got me to thank she did n't chuck you out .
10 You 've got somebody to give them pens .
11 You 've got everything to do You 've got the headphones have n't you .
12 where you 're just watching , helping , washing a few cups with somebody and , and then going on a course one or two days a week , and then you 're consider whether being took on and even if you 're not took on at that place at least you 've got something to say you 've done when you 're
13 Only if you 've got something to measure it by .
14 If you 've got something to tell me … ’
15 You 've got someone to take you Thursday ?
16 Mr Davies ' letter concluded : ‘ You have asked us to notify you of the potential implications in relation to costs .
17 You have to do it to prove you can hold a conversation and take part in physical activity at the same time .
18 You have to teach yourself to understand them .
19 and you have to push it to start it like , I says yes alright then , I knew the timing was out on mine so I thought I 'd do that this afternoon
20 They all have their source in you , and you have allowed me to own them .
21 Now where it goes negative a negative value I do n't think we 'd be interested in that , that means that the car 's got to the point where you have to pay someone to take it away .
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