Example sentences of "you [verb] [adv prt] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It depends what you mean by out of the way .
2 Reporter asks : What have you missed out on in the last forty years ?
3 As your personal tour ends and you walk back out into the invigorating mountain air , you will be left with that unmistakable impression of sheer opulence … and the feeling of being very much at home .
4 When you came back down from the mountains you made some recordings that to this very day have a unique atmosphere about them — the Metamorphosen , the Brahms Requiem — but when you went to England to work with Legge 's Philharmonia there was an added interest to your music-making : the enormous repertory you managed to acquire and record .
5 But whether you are here for the first or merely the latest time , as you enter the square — better still , as you emerge into it , blinking away the bright Milanese light as you climb up out of the Metro — there can be no doubting its magical ability to conjure a timeless moment of calm from out of the bustle .
6 I leaned against her wall and gasped for air , and my arms and legs felt like lead weights , like when you climb up out of the baths and all the water 's draining off you .
7 You pop up out of the blue and expect me to drop everything , just like that .
8 ‘ Why do n't you step out on to the pavement ? ’
9 The resort village is not the end of the road ; indeed , it is possible to ignore it as you drive on up to the Col de la Pierre-Saint-Martin beyond .
10 Why do n't you hop up on to the examination couch and I 'll just take a quick listen to baby 's heart and take your blood pressure , then afterwards I 'm sure Sister will be only too happy to show you around our labour ward and let you take a look at the facilities we have available .
11 ‘ If this Miller as you call him takes the tablets you keep on about in the text he will discover that there is no Author — right ?
12 You turn up out of the blue with some cock and bull story
13 And the ones closer erm down inbet when , from the and you go up you go up in between the and er and er
14 Did you come back down to the
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