Example sentences of "you [verb] [verb] it [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 what you mean take it out of the
2 I mean , if the bandits on the way here were anything to go by ( ‘ here' , if you want to look it up in your schoolgirl atlas , is somewhere near the Mocapra ) why should the Indians keep their word ?
3 Erm , the facts are , and this is all in Trivers if you want to look up erm if you want to look it up in more detail , that males die more readily than females , from all causes that affect both sexes and some that even do n't and you 'd be astonished about , like for instance , you gather from John book on the myth of he heterosexual you 're not allowed to buy in this country , you have to import it from the U S.
4 erm What happens if erm your boss is n't on the phone and their boss has transferred all their calls to the other phone , the other phone rings as well as the secretaries ring , so you pick it up on your phone , which is R star star 3 , and then you want to get it through to the boss , but when you ring the number it comes through to the other phone .
5 You have your analysis of sales by product for the month , but what happens if you want to break it down by salesman , region and so on ?
6 Oh you want to fetch it down to a board technic
7 ‘ I suppose you 'd put it down to had management tactics , ’ sneered Ray .
8 After you 'd stuck it out for so long , why did you leave ? ’
9 If it 's negative , how are you going to turn it round to a positive .
10 And er you know put it down in writing because that way Avon will then se see and the , hang on !
11 As you recall that successful scene , whenever something comes up that you enjoyed jot it down on the sheet entitled ‘ I would like more of this ! ’
12 sometimes it 's easier if you find to pass it on to someone else
13 Should you wish to pull it out for cleaning , it slides on thoughtfully designed skid feet .
14 If you try that with erm a piece of wood , you try to pull it out into a long thin wire it would just break .
15 You offered to point it out to me .
16 Now you start to share it out onto the plate
17 Some things from Neil Young , possibly : the idea of asking yourself whether the song is good enough on acoustic guitar and voice to cut it before you start blowing it out at 125 decibels .
18 Most of you did roughed it out on the back and some very quick workers who got it back in the front .
19 Well at least if you did put it back on you 're gon na be warmer .
20 ‘ Well , I suppose now that you 've dragged it out of Edna , I shall have to say that I remember a man and my mother in a yellow frock looking unusually pretty and being angry that they would n't take any notice of me when I tried to get their attention .
21 You 've done it out of grammar books ?
22 Charge , you 've turned it on for ten hours , how much will I charge you ?
23 ‘ Well , at least you 've got it over with for another year . ’
24 ‘ You 're just saying it because you 've got it in for him ! ’
25 And I do n't think if you 've got it out of the Guilds and say now we 've got to have so much for the rent this week I do n't think I would have a Guild very long , because they can go round the corner .
26 I hope you 've got it down on your thing what you thought about her .
27 Take it from me ; the average network station will not be up and running five minutes after you 've taken it out of the box .
28 You 've looked it up in the Titmarsh have you ?
29 you 've you 've worked it you 've worked it out over here and yeah and .
30 I er in fact you 've wrapped it up in one sentence .
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