Example sentences of "not been [verb] by [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The alleyways were scored with deep trenches down which the water ran when it rained ; or would have run had its passage not been blocked by heaps of refuse , dung and animal guts , behind which the water collected in stagnant pools , above which mosquitoes hung in a cloud .
2 ‘ ( a ) when the whole of the price has not been paid or tendered ; ( b ) when a bill of exchange or other negotiable instrument has been received as conditional payment , and the condition on which it was received has not been fulfilled by reason of the dishonour of the instrument or otherwise . ’
3 Women suffer a dual burden of work inside and outside the home and the strains experienced by working mothers have not been eased by offers of help either from male partners or the wider community and the state .
4 Dissolution will also be the consequence of the death or bankruptcy of a partner if the statutory provisions have not been displaced by agreement of all the partners .
5 The observation of solar neutrons has not been accompanied by observation of antineutrons .
6 ‘ I would appreciate it more if this one had n't been prompted by resentment of another man . ’
7 And , more specifically , the situation of the Madrid-based Documentation Service for Education , DOCE , has n't been helped by lack of funding and poor publicity from supplier Telefonica Ibertex , according to director Maria Jesus Roderiguez .
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