Example sentences of "not been [verb] in [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Hillingdon 's thesis was that ‘ unexpressed needs ’ , though felt , had not been seen in terms of a library solution , whilst in the case of ‘ unactivated need ’ the library stimulated demand for needs which had not even been felt .
2 Er I 'd just like to come back on three fairly brief points that er one of which was mentioned by Michael Courcier , two of which er relate to that , and were helpfully stimulated in discussion during the tea break , erm Michael Courcier , I think if I got him right , said , he did say we ca n't produce demographic forecasts for post two thousand and six but I think he was fairly guarded in saying it it would n't be wise or or whatever , erm I would suggest in this context , and in the context of , and I use the word emerging and I look for advice as to when emerging regional planning guidance , and when will be the end date of that regional planning guidance , I say we should be looking beyond two thousand and six , I say we can look beyond two thousand and six , and I would suggest we do it in the way of arrange , which would be highly appropriate way of doing it , not too dissimilar to road traffic forecasts , low medium and high growth , and if , to put the point simplistically , if we have arrived at a requirement figure of nine seven for Greater York for a specific period , if we were to either project that forward by five or ten years , obviously we could n't just simply go rata , but if you took a low figure and you halved it on the basis of the make up , the demographic make up , of how the nine seven had been arrived at it would be possible to produce a range , that then relates to the question of a new settlement , and the alternatives during the period to two thousand and six , and beyond , of that new settlement , and I go back again to the greenbelt , it is vitally important to do that in the terms of a long term defined greenbelt , therefore again in that context , I would say it is highly desirable , if not necessary , to revisit the periphery of York , it has not been examined in a local plan , it has not been examined in terms of environmental impact , with all due respect to the Greater York working party their , the level of analysis of those peripheral blocks of land was fairly cursory , on a limited number of planning criteria , if a new settlement is to be assessed alongside expansion of Greater York we have to revisit it in much much greater detail .
3 However , the conflict between the NEC and Militant has not been conducted in terms of an argument over policy but has developed as another constitutional wrangle .
4 Most probably , if had not been articulated in times of war these artistic tendencies would have simply been considered marginal .
5 It requires the abolition of trade union immunities , the ending of legal protection for the ‘ closed shop ’ , the introduction of legally enforceable collective agreements , the sequestration of trade union funds in cases in which secret ballots have not been held in support of strike action , and the provision by trade unions of greater information regarding their financial affairs .
6 Erm one of the points that has n't been mentioned in terms of the benefits discussed earlier is that the forecasts are that n because of the horrendous accident record of the A sixty one , that transfer of thirty percent of the traffic onto a high standard , modern and much safer road , will result in a reduction in between seven hundred and a thousand people er being injured on the A sixty one during the thirty year er lifespan of the western relief road .
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