Example sentences of "not be [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This point can not be overstated in any attempt to understand the subjective mood of the interwar French left-wing writer .
2 Economists said the fact the economy would not be burdened by higher taxes in the immediate future was positive for the recession-bound German economy and for Europe as a whole .
3 The batteries should not be exposed to excessive heat or cold temperatures , or exposed to moisture .
4 It was therefore apparent that the specific practice of lawyers can not be theorised as social control .
5 Pages , venerably yellow , should not be cased in military morocco , but in sober brown russia …
6 Considerable indignation was expressed by one constable when recalling an incident at which a colleague was assigned by a headmaster to merely the non-examination classes , feeling that their work in schools should not be marginalized in this way .
7 Hence , no matter how competitive labour and commodity markets are ( Keynes assumed perfect competition in the former and allowed for a high degree of competition in the latter ) , imbalances between the supply of and demand for labour would not be rectified through spontaneous variations in the real wage rate .
8 However , the full effect of this will not be felt for four years since the government has provided resources to cushion the transfer from rates to the community charge .
9 THE FULL resonance of this production may not be felt until next May .
10 It may not be charged on similar sales to purchasers outside the EC .
11 Thankfully , by virtue of Reg 19(4) ( b ) Contributions Regulation , National Insurance contributions will not be charged on any subsistence payments of the kind described .
12 The additional attraction of moving to a central control , for some , is that it has often been argued , and increasingly so over the past 20 years , that debt charges do not measure ‘ cost of service ’ and should not be charged to detailed revenue accounts anyway .
13 Although the inquiry was still in its early stages by mid-1991 , there were suggestions that its impact would not be limited to Western Australia .
14 The product will initially be available for FDDI only , but according to Mike Patricks , DEC 's wide area networking marketing manager , the switch is capable of accepting an Asynchronous Transfer Mode module , and its multi-switching capability means that it will not be limited to one device .
15 If balance is important it can not be limited to public television .
16 What is more , schemata need not be limited to unordered catalogues of people and things within a stereotyped situation , or stereotyped sequences of events telling us what is likely to happen next .
17 Access will not be limited to formal applications made under the Act but we will be seeking to develop ‘ live access ’ that means by sharing information as it becomes part of the file .
18 For example , despite her attachment to an extra-textual and pre-linguistic domain of mental activity , Nathalie Sarraute 's work , according to Heath , should not be limited by interpretative strategies which are fundamentally referentialist in orientation .
19 But policy passed since states permission will not be granted to any business or organisation to sell goods or services in any of the council 's car parks .
20 In the nature of things it could not be regulated by any court .
21 And just as the Spirit can not be equated with any property in man , equally it can not be regarded as the stuff of which the world is made , the comprehensive life principle which integrates the universe , as the Stoics maintained — a view which , through pagan philosophical influence , crept into the inter-testamental books of the Apocrypha .
22 The association between duodenal deformation and slow healing can not be equated with previous reports since deformation in this study was noted after healing .
23 If even these apparently straightforward discourse types can not be equated with single functions , what are we to say of novels , or chats , or arguments , or jokes ?
24 This is so , for example , if its inclusion is not material for the purposes of giving a true and fair view or if , in effect , the parent is not able to exercise dominance over the subsidiary or holds its interest in the subsidiary exclusively with a view to resale , or the information necessary for group accounts can not be obtained without disproportionate delay or expense .
25 Top up insurance can not be obtained with unlimited cover , and may be made subject to certain other conditions , eg the exclusion of indemnity in respect of claims brought in courts in the USA .
26 Therefore in the families with only one known affected subject , where samples can not be obtained from enough family members for linkage studies , or in the 20% or so that remain uninformative with the current probes , no predictive DNA tests are available .
27 Their use of subterfuge can be justified only to obtain material which ought to be published in the public interest and could not be obtained by other means .
28 Similar remarks were made by Senator Mary Robinson , who also challenged the hierarchy 's intent in their statement to the New Ireland Forum that the civil rights of Northerners would not be infringed by any pressure from the Roman catholic church in an eventual united Ireland .
29 In the former , Service departments are asked to list their lowest priority items , and to state the implications of their demise if the books can not be balanced by other means .
30 The language presented to them may be a genuine record of native speaker behaviour , genuine , that is to say , as textual data , but to the extent that it does not engage native speaker response it can not be realized as authentic discourse .
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