Example sentences of "he took [pron] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He took him to a long narrow room in the cellars of the law courts , where phone-taps were carried out .
2 Louise was on a normal double decker bus with over thirty of her schoolfriends when the driver appeared to be angered by their continually ringing the bell ; so much so that he took them on a six mile detour .
3 Hope had sent for Burkett : when the man and his daughter arrived , he took them to a quiet corner of the yard .
4 He took them by a tortuous route to a pub called The Black Dog , which made a change from horses and pookas , until she recollected uneasily that a black dog was one of the devil 's traditional earthly disguises .
5 As he took her on a guided tour of the eight-bedroomed mansion , the Prince asked her to organize the interior decoration .
6 Jobless Shepherd told a court his labrador Flash was savaged by a pit bull terrier as he took her for a late-night walk after drinking at a local club .
7 He took her to a tiny cafe in the industrial suburbs , an area of Paris that Isobel had never visited before .
8 He took her to a small farmhouse , and hid her in the bam .
9 He took her to a cool shady room with a large bed , the venetian blinds closed , thin silky curtains from floor to ceiling and a fan swishing gently .
10 He did n't understand but he heard the word ‘ spider ’ and laughed , and she laughed too , until she saw how the light slid over his cheekbones and dropped luminous on his hair like Ember 's , then she was crying into the warmth of his shoulder and he took her through a linden-scented night to a place where her tangled feelings speared through tawdry lust into oblivion where she was n't alone .
11 Then he took her into a long flat-roofed building like a small aircraft hangar .
12 He took her into a little recess aside
13 On the second evening of my visit he took me to a literary party given by the Chicago Tribune in honour of Carl Sandberg in the sumptuous lounge of a club called ‘ The 333 ’ ( at 333 Michigan Boulevard ) .
14 He took me to a few parties but I was uneasy about him .
15 He took me to a waiting Jaguar equipped with air conditioning , stereo system , and a very pretty girl : ‘ at my disposal for the rest of my stay ’ .
16 Flustered , she handed him her case and he took it with a strong hand , his face hard .
17 Then he took it with a brief word of thanks .
18 He took it with a courteous ‘ Thank you very much ’ .
19 He took it as a personal insult .
20 He took it as a personal reproach .
21 Some say he took it from an Indian funeral chant , others from a poem by a U.S. poet Mary Fry , though no one seems to know anything else about the lady .
22 Before getting in , Melissa put out a hand and he took it in a firm clasp .
23 We met the most morbid man in the world when we were there , he took us on a guided tour of all these famous murder sights — including the Dakota building where John Lennon got shot . ’
24 We met the most morbid man in the world when we were there , he took us on a guided tour of all these famous murder sights — including the Dakota building where John Lennon got shot . ’
25 Reluctantly , he took us to a single kennel at the back of the offices .
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