Example sentences of "he said [pers pn] [modal v] [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 He led her up some stairs to a steel gallery from which he said they would get a bird's-eye-view of the operation .
2 He said they could have a picnic if they brought some cake out into the garden , but they did n't seem to understand him .
3 He said we 'll have a lump sum .
4 That 's what he said , he said she can throw a tantrum he said and get everybody sort of feeling sorry for her he said , as and when she wants he said .
5 He said , now go to go to your section house get a sports jacket or something , and go with this police officer , he said I 'll get a police van , he said go with this police officer to Liverpool Street Station , he said and take charge of this prisoner while he gets a ticket , for Ipswich .
6 He said I could murder a roll up I said could you ?
7 He took me out last Sunday and I said as we were driving over to Lavenham , I said an early would be much appreciated , I said I cooked the Sunday Lunch for my lodgers , but I have n't , in fact , had any myself he said you 've got to have a high tea , he said you must have a proper meal and he ordered up salad and a a ham salad and have this and have that and have the other , where as some of them like this chap Gerald who was erm sent me by one of the other agencies the first time we went out he took me to a meal and he obviously felt that quite enough , after that he used to come out to see me after he 'd had his meal meanness , hanging onto money !
8 So , because we were in the A A he said you could have a ba , and we had to go to court , we had a summons for court , for careless driving , your dad and your dad said oh so A A said you could have barrister , or our insurers said we could have a barrister our insurers , not the one with we 're with now Norman , he was to do all the , said we could have this barrister and it was at Liverpool Crown Court and , it was n't till a , and I was alright we we just got a bit of a shock , you know , we could drive the home it was the wing and what not .
9 I have asked a couple of guys at the college you know and one fellow said the tray , oh he said , you can buy this tray from a builders , oh he said you can make a , a cover and I said oh god , make it the same colour as the mat and the er
10 And I said , what you on about ? , he said if I do , if I do n't pay out two hundred and odd pound now that left for our tickets he said , I 've only hundred and odd come in , he said you can have a drink on the rest !
11 He said he would appoint a new ambassador to Moscow and new members to a team dealing with outstanding issues between the two countries to increase the emphasis on economic questions .
12 At one point during the campaign , he said he would appoint a peace envoy to Northern Ireland if elected a controversial idea which drew a sharp response from Ulster Secretary Sir Patrick Mayhew .
13 He said he would seek a meeting with senior planning officers to establish if anything more is known about the company behind the proposal .
14 He said he would like a plant or two of Gale with spleenwort leaves ( i.e. Comptonia peregriaa var. aspleniifolia ) and dried specimens of the male and female plants , having only seen the former .
15 He said he 'd stuff a mattress with it ! ’ whispered Gabriel hoarsely .
16 but they 'd got some people coming and were very relieved when he said he 'd get a minicab to Reading .
17 still had no prospects of employment and I do n't think er , er my parents had any erm particular ideas and my father who worked for erm Roads and Bridges Department was speaking to the Chief Clerk at that time , that was , er , his name was in fact and erm he was a very sympathetic character and er he said he 'd have a word with erm with somebody in the County Council and erm see if they could find me employment as a typist and erm using the argument of course that the Education Department had up to that time at the R N C erm paid the balance of the fees for my course , erm I could just mention to you that the scholarship was worth forty pounds a year fee .
18 He said it would take a week .
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