Example sentences of "he could [adv] [vb infin] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well , he could just take his insults and his offers of assistance and —
2 He could just see her face as he walked over to the pavement beneath .
3 He could just see his Mercedes with Dillon seated in the back .
4 Maybe he could just crash his way through .
5 Then , at moments , he could also manifest his child 's natural sweetness .
6 He supposed that he could painlessly adjust his style to the demands of Stalinism , and indeed his return produced three of his most enduring pieces , the ballet ‘ Romeo and Juliet ’ , his music for the film ‘ Lieutenant Kijé ’ and his charming children 's work , ‘ Peter and the Wolf ’ .
7 If he were feeling particularly arrogant he could justifiably demonstrate his point by playing the heavy metal ballad-like solo on Suede 's Where The Pigs Do n't Fly or even the absolutely stunning Keith Richards-style solo on Metal Mickey .
8 he could barely understand their replies .
9 Clad in a coat which was so stiff with gold wire and seed pearls that he could scarcely bend his arms he rode with his escort beneath a line of arches which were suspended on ropes between houses on opposite sides of one of the main streets .
10 She was wondering if it was true , if he could somehow arrange her release ; doctors had ordered her internment , so surely it was possible for another doctor to end it .
11 The whole point is that if the intrepid aviator got shot down while blasting Gerry out of the skies above enemy territory , he could simply unzip his boot-legs and have a pair of civilian-looking shoes on his feet , and thus pass for a native and so escape those dreadful SS men in their tight little black uniforms .
12 Secondly it had demonstrated that the clergy were well nigh powerless against royal tax demands : if they would not make a grant , the king could outlaw them and raise the money by fines , or he could simply seize their temporalities .
13 Twenty-two goal Peacock is out of contract in the summer and though Boro boss Lennie Lawrence has made no approach , he could soon show his hand .
14 Its nearness to his original Cork roots meant that he could easily retain his contact with the main body of the community , and it also kept him within fairly comfortable walking distance of the synagogue — an important consideration because of the religious law forbidding riding on the Sabbath or on solemn festivals .
15 James Boswell in the eighteenth century was generally impotent the first time he slept with women of his own class , though in sex with lower-class girls he could easily prove his manhood .
16 And if Mr. Birt does find himself out of a job , he could always try his luck as a timeshare salesman .
17 He could never believe his luck , just as he could never explain his talent .
18 He made it clear he could never acknowledge my existence to his family and I did n't expect him to .
19 To his great sorrow he could never recall his mother .
20 If to be T'ang meant he could never have his heart 's desire , then what use was it being T'ang ?
21 He could never trust his legs , especially when his shoes pinched so badly that they made his feet tingle and twitch with pins and needles .
22 So he looked behind himself and saw that the passage he had just come down was one of many , all wrinkled and wormy and dripping and tangled with roots , and he thought he could never find his way back so he must perforce push on and see what lay in store .
23 He could never believe his luck , just as he could never explain his talent .
24 He could vaguely remember his mother 's face , her constant presence as she sat by his bed seemingly day and night , her smiles as he began to get better .
25 Despite the rout at Dupplin Moor David II still enjoyed much support in Scotland and Balliol realized he could only hold his gains with English assistance .
26 I asked if he would like a coffee , or to be taken home , but he could only shake his head .
27 Yes , Arnold Thomas had done a bad thing in deserting him just when he needed him most , and he had been a rogue of the worst kind to have stolen money into the bargain ; but if he could only find his son , he would tell him that all was forgiven , and that he wanted him here , in his rightful place , at the helm of his father 's business .
28 He was a Marxist and might be called a ‘ Christian Communist ’ , but he could not answer the question ‘ was he a communist ? ’ directly , he could only state his beliefs .
29 But as we were very small people in these days , he could only see his way to take Selkirkshire and Peebleshire .
30 He could only remember their mother telling them through her tears to be strong , and to have faith .
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