Example sentences of "he will [adv] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He will also get a national squad of over 100 players into place .
2 If you are eventing rather than hunter trialling and the horse is standing in the horsebox between phases , he is likely to ‘ go off the boil ’ and although he should not require work as such , he will probably need a sharp canter and four or five practice jumps before he is ready to go .
3 If there is a sound business reason for the change and your employer has observed the principles of good industrial relations practice , including full consultation with you and consideration of possible alternative courses , prior to taking action , he will probably have a good defence .
4 I fear he will never become a popular poet .
5 He will then join a new 50ft Farr-designed Will for the start of the Japanese Admiral 's Cup campaign .
6 It is important to put a purchaser on notice that he will only get a good receipt if he pays any purchase money to two trustees or to a trust corporation ( Law of Property Act 1925 , s27 ) .
7 GARY LINEKER last night warned Paul Gascoigne that he will now become a prime target for the hatchet men of Italy .
8 After all he will still have a good pension to fall back on .
9 Example B. Mr Careless , the proprietor of The Barmy Towers Hotel , overbooks the rooms in his hotel , in the expectation that some guests may cancel and he will still have a full hotel .
10 Alternating between four different languages , ranging from the archaic Pali of medieval India , through Javanese and Balinese , to the coarsest of contemporary " market " Indonesian , he will simultaneously conduct a full gamelan orchestra with his feet .
11 As his reputation for making commemorative seats is well known in the area , it is certain he will quickly find a ready market for his work .
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