Example sentences of "he was [verb] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite this , however , he was treated with some suspicion by Parliament , who restricted his ability to raise taxes to pay for army or navy forces , so he turned to Louis XIV of France , who secretly made funds available so as to improve the failing status of the Roman Catholic Church in England , where the Church of England virtually excluded all ‘ dissenters ’ , which included Roman Catholics .
2 By that it was clear that he was referring to some sort of spiritual renaissance , and he succeeded , as so often , in implicitly prophesying the emergence of men like Solzhenitsyn .
3 He had started the Venturers ' Society in 1945 , when he was asked by some boys to take them on a visit down a coal mine , and on Mr. Horn 's retirement in 1959 had taken over the Railway Society too .
4 And if he was engaged on some scheme of his own , she had better leave him to pursue it without interference .
5 He was speaking for some time and when he had finished he turned to his wife .
6 The manuscript suggests that he was born at some date between 1485 and 1492 , and his latest completed work is dated 1546 .
7 The only way I can account for that is he was exposed to some sort of nerve gas . ’
8 The little boy leaned his face to one side as if he was listening to some signal inaudible to mere mortals , and he whispered , ‘ I am going to destroy Malik .
9 The Shah 's enemies saw the move differently , The fact that they was now lingering in the area , first in Egypt an now Morocco , rather than proceeding straight to the United States as announced , inevitably aroused the suspicion that he was hoping for some sort of repeat of 1953 .
10 Then he fell silent , as if he was thinking of some way to turn this promise into a purpose , and he added , in the barest of trembled whispers , ‘ As I am an eagle of Wrath do I promise it .
11 Although he seemed to be oblivious of what had happened , because he was concentrating on some letter or other , Eliot looked up resignedly and with a smile of one all too accustomed to the lack of business acumen in other people ; but I could see that he was also relieved to find me not too cast down .
12 He was criticised by some officials for his victory speech in which he thanked the press ‘ from the heart of my bottom ’ .
13 Pizan writes : ‘ When he was occupied by some task and not at leisure to present his lectures to his students , he would send Novella , his daughter , in his place to lecture to the students from his chair . ’
14 Half wanting to quit , half determined to persevere he was caught for some moments , indecisive and forlorn .
15 An uncomfortable pause while he sat forward on the sofa holding his coffee cup in both hands and gazing into it as if he was waiting for some kind of chemical reaction .
16 It was very nearly a great voice and sometimes , when Gesner was on form , when he was forced for some reason to try hard , it was a great voice .
17 Coenwulf vigorously crushed the revolt in Kent and captured Eadberht , who was blinded and mutilated and taken in chains into Mercia ( ASC A , F , s.a. 796 ) where he was imprisoned for some years at Winchcombe .
18 He said he was coming for some gnocchi tonight .
19 He was standing with some people in the entrance hall when I arrived .
20 He thought he was suffering from some sort of glandular disease .
21 He was preserved in some kind of fluid , like an olive or a pickled onion , and had a baffled look about him .
22 He was working through some papers .
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