Example sentences of "he and [verb] [prep] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A bit of a miracle , I call it , ’ said Lucie , drawing his long , thin legs up under him and getting to his feet .
2 You have to have some enthusiasm to do such a person justice , whereas Jahn has an instinctive antipathy to him and listens with his ears half stopped up .
3 She turned to him and stared into his eyes , and said , ‘ I am of Callanish .
4 The 6ft carpet snake crept into Calan Lavender 's bed , wrapped its body around him and plunged in its fangs .
5 Lebna Dengel proved friendly to the Portuguese , although dissatisfied with the presents they had brought him and exasperated by their quarrels among themselves .
6 He seemed to have the strength of ten ; he tore the ropes off him and rose to his feet , his orange windbreaker gusting in the gale like a bird 's wings .
7 ‘ So , that 's better ! ’ said Isambard grimly , and drew off from him and rose to his feet in one quick movement ; but he kept his hand on his dagger this time , and swung that hip away from the boy .
8 The man slammed the door on him and shouted to his companions : ‘ You skin that one , I 'll go catch another one ! '
9 I noticed last night when I was bathing him and covered in his ears this one
10 Drew had never been extravagant , but he could n't see the point of parsimony for parsimony 's sake , so he had decided to look for a patron , some ignoramus who would pay him a long salary to coach him and look after his ponies .
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