Example sentences of "he be not [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is indeed the case here , where the support of the infinitive is made explicit by the pronoun I. The fact that I is the subject of the verb want automatically situates it in time before the event go : the first person is involved in the actualization phase of want in the present but he is not yet represented as involved in going .
2 for every legislative enactment constitutes a diktat by the state to the citizen which he is not only expected but obliged to observe in the regulation of his daily life and it is the judge and the judge alone who stands between the citizen and the state 's own interpretation of its own rules .
3 and on Joe 's visit to London he realises that he is not really appreciated and leaves as he has too much dignity .
4 He 's not even registered as born . ’
5 He 's not yet hanged and I wish to speak with him , now ! ’
6 " He 's not really called that , is he ? "
7 He was not even baptised until he lay on his deathbed .
8 Although he still speaks bitterly of the pressure put on him by the authorities , in fact they never succeeded in obliging him to send the children to school ; he was not even fined as he would have been in Britain .
9 If the former should occur ( presuming whatever came out of the house did not destroy Cleo immediately , and he was not without hope that this might happen ) , he would draw his sword and attack .
10 Later , in Stuttgart , he was not just accepted but positively idolized ; even so , there were barriers : he complained to Frank Tait , ‘ They do n't know the same nursery rhymes as we do ! ’
11 His encounters with the eagles he met convinced him that he was not yet experienced or powerful enough to seek territory of his own , or to head for the far north-west where golden eagles are notoriously fierce and strong .
12 He was not only healed but wholly overcome with joy as well .
13 When he heard that a role in Papillon would be especially created for him , he was not only flattered but asked for ( and got ) a salary of $1.25 million .
14 Richard was holding Beth 's other hand , but he was not so composed because everything around him was too exciting for a boy of such tender years , and so he skipped , and laughed , and sang , and teased Cissie about her ‘ po-face ’ .
15 His first realization that he was not alone came when he booked a return Business-Class ticket at the Sabena counter .
16 He was not severely beaten but was terrified .
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