Example sentences of "he be a [noun] on the " in BNC.

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1 There 'd be no problem with immigration , particularly since there 's little likelihood of him being a drain on the State . ’
2 He is a scab on the play , a scab speaking prose .
3 Despite his airforce fatigues ( he has a pilot 's licence ) and handlebar moustache ( he is a cult on the military base circuit ) his feet never leave the ground : but close your eyes and you 'd never know it .
4 Jack is no longer a schoolboy , he is a native on the island .
5 He 's a bit on the small side but very agile and loves fast ground , so we shall have to think seriously about the National , ’ said McConnochie , who at this stage also intends to run Golden Friend , who runs at Haydock on Wednesday .
6 He 's a bit on the defensive , John . ’
7 The responsibility can weigh heavily , ‘ He 's a hairbrain on the roads , ’ says Tracey .
8 ‘ I 'll have a word with Jimmy Myers , he 's a skipper on the Sharpness barges .
9 He 's an expert on the buildings history and if the building is bought up and say , converted to offices , would like one or 2 rooms put by so he can set up a museum of psychiatry .
10 Thirdly , and unexpectedly , he was a champion on the croquet pitch .
11 Gary Wilmot could possibly do it as , like me , he was a contestant on the show and would therefore understand the awesome fear the contestants have to cope with .
12 Given Duchamp 's long residence in America , and his contacts with and influence on American art , I can see why he might be included , although most of the time he was a presence on the scene here he was n't working publicly .
13 And off he galloped , with her watching until he was a speck on the horizon .
14 He was a specialist on the Netherlands and studied the affairs of France and Spain .
15 He was a guest on the first Wogan show I appeared on .
16 He was a guest on the morning line at Newmarket and there it is that magnificent trophy which is valued at five thousand pounds .
17 He was a butty on the coal face .
18 I asked him what it might have been ; after all , if he was an expert on the local birds then he ought to know .
19 Kingsley adjusted his dogcollar meaningfully and replied that he was an expert on the English language who could speak authoritatively not only on the matter of ‘ bollocks ’ but also on ‘ shit ’ or ‘ fuck ’ if required .
20 He was an authority on the birds of Somaliland and seeing I was interested he showed me his collection .
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