Example sentences of "he be [adj] [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He is delighted and yesterday said : ‘ This is extremely good news because it is imperative that the cathedral has the ability to maintain its justifiably high standard of music , and a new organ is badly needed as the existing one is now beyond repair . ’
2 After all , he is competent and well liked , and we should try to retain him if possible .
3 He is widowed and now lives alone in a ground floor fiat in a warden controlled sheltered housing scheme .
4 He is frightened and even refuses to take his Moorish servant , Rastani , with him .
5 He 's flirtatious and often comes round without my daughter .
6 ‘ The River Rat ! ’ he boomed , laughing heartily at his own joke , ‘ never takes his hat off because he 's BALD and never puts his boat in the river because he CA N'T SAIL ! ’
7 On his part , Corbett shrewdly watched the Frenchman and knew he was correct and so moved to close the trap .
8 He said he was sorry and normally obeyed all the driving rules , but this time failed to keep his eye on the speedometer as he made his way to Birmingham .
9 He was tall and stoutly built … his height just seven times the length of his own foot .
10 He was tall and stolidly built , giving an impression of shambling clumsiness until one saw him working in a confined space when he would seem physically to contract and become compact , even graceful , moving about the body with the lightness and precision of a cat .
11 His was undone to the waist , he had no cap , his slacks were dirty and crumpled , he was unshaven and badly needed a haircut , he wore plimsolls , loosely tied with bits of string .
12 It was easy to see that he was clever and well read , but he was also boring .
13 He knew that he was clever and always wanted to say his piece in meetings .
14 He was photophobic and always wore a pair of tinted glasses to protect his eyes .
15 He was tired and undoubtedly moved by the warmth of his welcome .
16 He had little sympathy with Eileen , although he was polite and briskly reassuring .
17 He was inexperienced and little known before he was propelled into the highest office by his friends ' ambition for him and by the deadlock between Long and Chamberlain in 1911 .
18 Hunting one day , Olybrius , the grand governor of Antioch , saw her and seeing her innocence and her loveliness he was jealous and immediately wanted to destroy both .
19 He was ill and below form in Australia , but has gone well in training here .
20 He was ill and below form in Australia , but has gone well in training here .
21 For seventeen , he was big and heavily built , but the man who carried him was so tall and held his weight so easily that there was no doubt who he was .
22 He was wrong and soon had to resign .
23 I tried to get Dad to tell me where they 'd gone but he was tipsy and only laughed and said they 'd gone on their ‘ funnymoon ’ .
24 Stiff and cold in personal relations , he was pompous and excessively attached to the trappings of power .
25 Those who talked to Harold Macmillan at this time were sure that this cold politicking did not enter his head ; that he was sincere and only wanted to do the best that he could for the Church .
26 However there was a long delay in sending out a rescue launch as the raid was still on , and he was dead when eventually picked up ; Waghorn was also killed .
27 He was thin and softly spoken and smoked an expensive cigar .
28 He was happy and well looked after in this home .
29 He was amused and oddly stirred by the Welshman 's enthusiasm , but he could n't help thinking that his triumph was likely to be short-lived .
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