Example sentences of "he be [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 However , it is a less expressive image , as it is a less expressive moment , for while he is so wrapped up in the action of taking the shot she can not reveal much more than that furtive concentration that takes over any face in the act of intensive looking .
2 Oh , he 's too wrapped up in his work to bother about his wife .
3 When she came back , clasping the diary , her excitement was so enormous — so gloriously young , that he was completely caught up in it .
4 He was completely kitted out in film director 's gear — cap , dark specs , cigar , baggy casuals , replacing his usual natty suit — for faded jeans stopped short of him — he had a separate office , complete with pretty secretary .
5 He was probably mixed up in disposing of the pictures stolen in that big robbery from the Duke of Suffolk 's place , and there 've been other things .
6 Michael , who lives in Moffatt Close , Darlington , is still critically ill in Middlesbrough Hospital after he was viciously beaten up in Darlington 's High Row 12 days ago .
7 He was soon caught up in the wartime expansion of government activity , being concerned mainly with the regulation of foreign trade .
8 He was all curled up in the gutter , naked .
9 But the next thing we knew he was all kitted out in a blue and white sailor suit , smelling sweetly of baby lotion and with not a wet patch to be seen .
10 He was warmly wrapped up in a fur coat and had gloves on .
11 I think he was certainly mixed up in the beastly business of getting into England some of those unhappy Asians who pay through the nose either because they 're desperate to join relatives , or because they think they can find work here .
12 But he was too tied up in his own remembered pain .
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