Example sentences of "he be [verb] a [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 In course of time he finds that he is the pet antipathy of his superior officers , that he is made a butt for the amusement of other men on parade , and that if there is any unpleasant work or unpopular bear or point going vacant it falls to his lot to fill it .
2 Now with the bars removed he is proving a handful for his mum .
3 He is planning a relaunch for the list on 20th May , with books by Michael Billington and John Dexter and plays by Doug Lucie and Martin Crimp .
4 MR NORMAN Tebbit 's decision to raise the stakes in the Conservatives ' Hong Kong immigration row with a brutal attack on the Cabinet 's policy last night convinced some MPs that he is preparing a bid for the party leadership when Mrs Thatcher retires .
5 He 's getting a sod for biting .
6 But I wish he 'd stop nicking my bleeding torch , he 's getting a swine for that .
7 He 's doing a job for you , just like he has before ; but something 's different .
8 This is afterwards , when he has got up from the couch , when he 's making a date for the next appointment and putting on his overcoat in the hall , returning to his ordinary guarded self before he walks out on to the street .
9 He telephoned his secretary from Heathrow to say he was boarding a flight for New York . ’
10 He was entering a clinic for errant priests in order to be counselled .
11 Felicity wondered whether attendance was compulsory , but Joshua explained that , as he was writing a column for next Sunday 's Observer , it would be as well to look in .
12 The Court of Appeal ( Civil Division ) in Singh v Rathour [ 1988 ] 1 WLR 422 distinguished Peart and Whittaker v Campbell on the grounds that the defendant knew that he was using a minibus for a purpose which exceeded the limitation under which he had borrowed it .
13 For instance , in 1666 he was granted a licence for the cultivation of senna in the plantations .
14 His patent application for ‘ Apparatus for Brewing and Distilling ’ ( no. 5,974 ) is dated 1830 , and he was granted a patent for Ireland for only fourteen years from 1831 .
15 Although he was proclaimed a traitor for his activities against the Wiltshire Royalists and refused access to the royal presence in November 1642 , Evelyn , with his uncle , contemplated making terms with the king in August 1643 .
16 He was wearing a tie for the first time in his life .
17 In 1884 he was made a JP for London , Westminster , and Middlesex , and in 1889 he became an alderman of Middlesex county council .
18 Following the strong showing of the UNP , Chung Ju Yung also hinted strongly that he was considering a bid for the presidency .
19 In 1964 he was created a baronet for his outstanding contribution to Scottish business and political life .
20 If he failed to pay one instalment , he was fined a halfpenny for every shilling , which became a penny after the second omission when the loan society secretary sent him a circular letter for which a fee of threepence was exacted .
21 Passing this on , he was making a plea for more funds .
22 He was awarded a medal for his process at the exhibition of 1862 .
23 In 1838 , he was offered a knighthood for his achievements in commerce but refused it , the second of old John Tennant 's sons to have done so .
24 Jim says that some man he was doing a job for
25 His eagerness to please ensured that he was put upon , and judging by the worn state of his clothes she guessed he was paid a pittance for it .
26 Tosh also revealed how once when he was selling a magazine for the homeless at Charing Cross station Diana drew up in her car and a man got out and gave him £5 .
27 Another week he was devising a scheme for selling obscene paper weights : well , not so much obscene , more humorous really .
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