Example sentences of "he be [verb] [pron] to the " in BNC.

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1 Romans 8:29 tells us that God 's goal in our relationship with him is to conform us to the image of his Son .
2 In such a case the judge is not abusing his powers ; he is exercising them to the best of his ability albeit some other court thinks he was mistaken .
3 and for a treat he 's taking her to the , er nostalgic weekend at
4 He 's reporting you to the Chief Constable . ’
5 He 's appointed himself to the temporary monitoring team .
6 No doubt he 's putting me to the test to see how good I 'll be at sorting it out .
7 He 's giving his to the pub .
8 He was feeding them to the tigers ! ! ’
9 Yet now he was praising her to the skies .
10 He was taking himself to the limit and then pushing on from there .
11 He was leading her to the edge of the dance-floor .
12 Soon he was showing them to the leading head-hunters in employment agencies .
13 It was odd , but Greg noticed Bill Clough 's eyes following them sharply : he was saying nothing to the purpose so there was no reason why he should n't watch them , but Greg , following his lead , did wonder whether Hilary 's mutterings were not of a rather different kind from Desmond 's .
14 With horror she realized he was carrying her to the top of the stairs .
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