Example sentences of "he come [prep] [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 I ask him to come to the bathroom and help me tend my hand .
2 She noted the flicker of a smile as he came into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee , but she ignored him , turning her back as she scanned the phone book , desperately hunting for a garage that was reasonably near to this god-forsaken place .
3 Once he came into the passage and looked around .
4 He chose to sleep in Three because it had the best view of the Jubilee Line , unobstructed by trees , and as he came into the room and crossed to the window , he saw beyond the garden and the trees and the rhubarb plantation a silver train speeding southwards .
5 I ca n't say touch for touch how we became lovers because , really , we had been ever since he came into the room and found me still there , waiting and pretending .
6 He came into the room and poured himself a glass of water from the earthenware jug which stood , as it did in all the offices of Cairo , in the window so that the air currents could cool it .
7 Well he he 'd got a , and if I 'd got to do it you know , another day , his er perhaps start and er i , well you know when he came for a meal and saw all that ?
8 One contemporary chronicler ( Bartholomew Cotton , q.v. ) tells us that he attempted to drown himself en route to the Tower and that he also attempted to dash his brains out while in custody , but he came to no harm and by October had been released and begun paying a fine .
9 Without trust , ’ and he came to a standstill and tipped his chin into the air , the thought still forming .
10 He came to A Division and got himself into a lot of trouble through damn stupidity .
11 He came to a halt and stood staring with nostalgia at the windows of the hospital .
12 Sighing , he came to a halt and leaned back against the hedge they were passing .
13 Then , as she watched , a light came on in one of the upper rooms , and she shifted uneasily as she recognised Luke as he came to the window and looked out .
14 He came to the station and saw them into the carriage .
15 With particular pride he notes how in the crisis of 1124 , when the king of England and the emperor were allied against him , and Henry V planned an attack on Rheims , Louis put himself dramatically under the protection of St Denis , ‘ the special patron and singular protector after God of the kingdom ’ ; how he came to the saint and begged him to defend his kingdom , preserve his person and resist his enemies , as the saint was accustomed to do .
16 And erm well he came to the door and Linda and the little , the little boy Christopher they were upstairs .
17 He came to the doorway and started across the deserted yard .
18 When he came to the car and waved goodbye to his odd friends , Maggie sat unsmiling .
19 He came to an impasse and the choices appeared to be an improbable looking layback , a highly unlikely deviation at the left wall , or retreat .
20 And and come in on the , he came on the Tuesday and he 's been three days a couple of weeks so
21 He came along the passage and stopped outside my door .
22 He came through the door and he backed Cati against the rough wall of the hideout and rammed his pelvis against her stomach and pinned her down with one hand flat against her chest and with the other drew his belt through the loops of his soldier 's jacket and slashed her across the face with the buckle doubled against the leather .
23 Only when he came through the trees and round the small hill that sheltered the house , only then did he see the soldiers who had camped in the house and the grounds .
24 He came in the afternoon and he looked white , fatigued and many years older .
25 And he er , went to work one morning and they he , they says to him you 're wanted in the office , and he came in the office and he was one of the gaffers , you know
26 I asked Gennaro how he came by the letter and he merely said that he knew the right people to approach .
27 He came round the desks and I kicked him in the back of his legs to get him to the floor and I used my shirt to put out the flames and Hazel gave him first aid . ’
28 He came round the desk and before she could form any further protest had taken charge .
29 He came round the bed and sat beside her .
30 He came round the front and dragged me out and jumped into the driver 's seat .
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