Example sentences of "he would not [vb infin] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 An individual who is domiciled outside the United Kingdom shall not be chargeable to tax in respect of the sum which is deemed to be his under s739 if he would not have been chargeable to tax in respect of it if it had been in fact his income .
2 Man of the match Smith admitted he would not have been surprised if Hick had pipped him to the award .
3 By this time he would not have been surprised if she had taken up the lecture and returned him a brief history of the next four centuries .
4 There were suggestions from the American air force that the controls may have been put out of order by the fire which caused the crash and that , even if the pilot had stayed in his cockpit until the collision , he would not have been able to do more .
5 If you had asked him , I suppose that he would not have been able to give a very convincing answer as to why he was walking , or looking , or watching in such an apparently random and obsessive fashion .
6 He would not have been able to put a precise age on the skeleton .
7 Then he would not have been able to escape .
8 A dental specialist , Dr Bernard Sims , has told the court that if the original whack from Lenny McLean did indeed break Humphreys 's jaw , he would not have been able to speak coherently afterwards .
9 ’ In the play there is the prostitute character who represents Suzannah in the sense that she modeled for Artemesia 's painting ; She is also a hint at Tassi 's own murky past — he was tried for attempting to murder his wife ( a prostitute'- proof of his duplicity since he would not have been able to marry Artemesia under any circumstance .
10 ‘ — that it would n't have counted anyway because he would not have been able to use the words with a true heart . ’
11 The court suggests that if the defendant ( D ) had ( wrongly ) believed himself to be liable to pay the charges , he would not have been liable on the notes ; but , because he ( rightly ) believed himself not to be liable to pay the charges , he is liable on the notes .
12 If he had been he would not have been alone .
13 Yesterday , she felt certain , he would not have been amused !
14 Small doses of non-sophistication were amusing as a break from other things , but he would n't have been able to bear all that romance day in , day out .
15 He would n't have been able to see well enough even to lock for them .
16 He would n't have been able to anyway because he did n't know what players we have available , ’ said Mr Moran .
17 It could n't have been far from where he was standing now , though he would n't have been able to say where exactly .
18 But without somebody to make the bullets he would n't have been able to do the job .
19 He would n't have been able to cope with the larger trunks .
20 I would have waited and bought one off Gary and then he would n't have been able to go up would he ?
21 He would n't have been surprised .
22 At one stage in the show 's run , he would n't have been alone in the squirming department .
23 Marlin had not been pleased to know that one of her ex-lovers had attempted to play hero in his own apartment , and he would n't have been happy to find her making contact with Gentle at two in the morning .
24 And he knew he would n't dare be late .
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