Example sentences of "he have [vb pp] over [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He 'd gone over to the hedge that ran along each side of the white lodge and he 'd sat down .
2 Then , her arms under his and locked on his chest , she 'd drag my father 's dead weight from wherever he 'd fallen over to the cushions .
3 I rushed him to hospital and the doctor asked how it was done and I said he 'd fallen over on the step .
4 But there 's a couple of guys in another division over there that they were quite keen on er aircraft and they spent weeks building these bloody things and then er , and experienced flyer he 'd taken over to the other , other side of the estate when he had a bit of runway over there
5 It had been knocked from its cradle when he had gone over with the first shot .
6 Over thirteen years , since he had taken over from the retiring senior partner to whom Francis Sutherland originally brought the affairs of Sleet , David Rosen and Delia Sutherland had come to know each other well enough to do without greetings ; they liked it that way .
7 Would he ever know which friends and fellows he had delivered over to the government in that one fatally careless moment ?
8 That morning he had walked over to the Hoflin farm and asked Suzi to go to the cinema with him that evening , after her class .
9 He had walked over to the lift and waited with her too , she recalled without effort , as Lubor walked to the lift with her and pressed the lift call button .
10 He stared steadily outwards towards the ducks and flamingos while Kraal mantled his plumage , let out a harsh call or two and dropped down into the shelter to pick at the remnant of meat he had left over from the previous day .
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