Example sentences of "he have [vb pp] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One single man lived in lodgings and his landlady was in the habit of putting in a pudding basin the lunch she had prepared for that day , for him to have warmed up on the morrow .
2 They 're referring , of course , to his brother Edgar , with whom he has collaborated often in the past .
3 You say that he has contributed materially to the progress of your investigation .
4 He has guarded fiercely against the band 's tapes being made public but listening to them years on , it is difficult to understand his uneasiness and it seems a loss to fans .
5 Havel 's recent writings and statements show how he has gone forward into the politics implicit in such a view of society .
6 Hypnotists working for the police ask an individual , most commonly a witness or a victim , to imagine that he has gone back to the time of the crime .
7 But after being pulled off at Crystal Palace in midweek , he has suffered both in the last four days .
8 The citation for his award read : ‘ Throughout the tour he has led right from the front , exercising all the energy , enthusiasm , charm and courage in his possession . ’
9 The citation read : ‘ Throughout the tour he has led right from the front , exercising all the energy , enthusiasm , charm and courage in his possession .
10 We are kept reading by the promise of an original sin or trauma that will justify — either in psychological or moral terms — the very existence of the story , but stripped of the successive identities he has built up over the years , Philip 's father is revealed as no more than an insecure , over-imaginative little boy .
11 He has also declared ambitions for the World Championships at Saalbach , where two falls cost him the World Cup overall title in his great year of 1987–88 , and for the overall slalom title he has lost twice to the German , Armin Bittner .
12 In the end , he has lost out on the grounds of inferior physique .
13 Ah , , he has complained now to the Vatican that he , any more , because of , Swiss the community does n't give him the
14 More recently he has turned up in The Fisher King and At Play in the Fields of the Lord , and he has a small role in Coppola 's forthcoming Dracula .
15 All of which brings us to his latest film , Breaking In , the first he has made entirely in the USA .
16 ‘ I just ca n't watch myself , ’ he said in Santander yesterday where he has joined up with the England team to watch tonight 's match against Spain .
17 It is quite evident that in some areas farming has become a distinctly precarious occupation but , in exchanging the effects of the EC 's Common Agricultural Policy for the need to produce results in a rugby field , Hare may find that he has jumped out of the frying pan into the fire .
18 One of the reasons why Montgomerie has done so well as a professional is that he has stayed basically with the swing which brought him Walker Cup honours in his student days in Texas .
19 His modest apology for tardiness in producing this volume is unnecessary in any terms , considering the magnitude of his task , and when in addition one realises that he has pressed on with the completion of the work during his convalescence from a serious illness , it is clear that his apology should be replaced by the public 's commendation .
20 He has seen right from the start that the majority of Germans wanted unification and that the pace of events was dictating a much more rapid move towards unification than most people , either inside , and certainly on the outside , had realised , and he put all his authority into the campaign , campaigned extremely effectively and has had a ringing endorsement .
21 My hon. Friend always speaks out powerfully for Basildon : he has done so for the past eight years , and I have no doubt that he will do so for the next eight .
22 Since becoming assistant to Monsieur Bonard , he has progressed rapidly in the business and only a week ago he told us of his hopes of being made a partner .
23 Hick has a classic stance , but by the time the bowler has reached the crease he has come up into the familiar upright position with the bat raised .
24 Once he has come reasonably to the conclusion that this will happen , the question whether his decision to issue the particular instructions that he gave was a reasonable one in the circumstances is subject to a further test of reasonableness .
25 Unmistakably , though , he has come down on the side of the demonstrators and against Erich Honecker , the East German leader .
26 He has come out into the road wearing slippers .
27 But when he comes to the foot of the mountain and sees the worship of the calf for himself , we hear the sound of his anger too , and see him smashing the tablets of stone that he has brought down from the summit inscribed with God 's torah .
28 In 1856 he exhibits on his lawn a stuffed crocodile he has brought back from the East : enabling it to bask in the sun again for the first time in 3,000 years .
29 But in the past year he has slipped quietly into the background as team manager Micky Stewart and captain Graham Gooch have dominated selection .
30 This is afterwards , when he has got up from the couch , when he 's making a date for the next appointment and putting on his overcoat in the hall , returning to his ordinary guarded self before he walks out on to the street .
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