Example sentences of "he have [adv] [adv] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The implication is that he has not only been deeply disgusted by the political and social oppression in capitalist and colonial France , but has also been fatally attracted to the entirely new set of social relations apparently emerging in the post-revolutionary situation in the Soviet Union .
2 They are often intertwined in Freud 's work , which explains why he has so often been wrongly accused of a simple type of ethnocentrism , and of sexism .
3 anyway , so we could get erm he 'd better not be there .
4 He never put in an appearance until early evening and , except for that first night , he had not even been home for dinner .
5 He recognized the setting as the stables : more specifically ( although he had not yet been there ) the scene of Jos 's terrible story .
6 Smith , 29 , who has a year to run on his present deal , has had preliminary discussions with Mr Graham but Ken Friar , Arsenal 's managing director , said yesterday that he had not yet been formally offered a fresh contract .
7 Tawell , who was deeply affronted that such a respectable businessman should be arrested on such a charge , exclaimed that he had never heard of Sara Hart , nor of Salt Hill , and he had definitely never been there .
8 He had certainly not been here on the day that she and her parents had briefly visited Leo 's quarters .
9 I do n't know because he he 's never really been frightfully keen on me , that cat .
10 Jackie had finished racing by the time I got involved in the sport , but it is utterly fitting that this collection of drivers ' portraits should begin with Jackie : not only because he was a great champion , not just because he changed the course of the sport , but because he 's really never been away .
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