Example sentences of "he have [verb] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Not only has he exerted himself tirelessly on teh College 's behalf but he has flung himself with similar enthusiasm into fundraising for the Prince 's Trust and for the Leigh City Technology School in Kent .
2 He has deported himself with great dignity .
3 Brook has not simply plonked the cameras in front of his original production : he has re-conceived it in filmic terms , making obvious concessions to cinematic literalism while retaining the sense of wonder .
4 He has jolted me into new experiences , obliging me to reconsider old questions about good and bad , beautiful and ugly , vulgar and elite , ’ and ‘ has been a major innovator in exploring new visual sources , new media , new thresholds of propriety ’ .
5 Some of her family and friends who knew that her marriage was unsuccessful may assume that her feelings about her husband 's death could only be those of relief that their life together is over at last and that she is now free to seek a better future for herself ; not realising that if a woman has lived with a man for many years , unless he has treated her with extreme cruelty , and shown her no love at all throughout the whole of their marriage , some kind of bond is bound to have existed between them , and that even if he left her with only a handful of good memories of times they spent together , it is likely that she may want to hold on to them , cherish them , and even build upon them .
6 Does the Secretary of State not accept that our valley councils have lost more in rate support grant over the past 10 years than he has given them in new money in the latest package ?
7 He has forbidden me to fast or even keep the days of abstinence .
8 The husband will be presumed , in the ordinary case where husband and wife live together , and she orders goods to meet the household needs , to have authorized her to pledge his credit for that purpose , unless he has supplied her with sufficient ready money .
9 ‘ They are great pals , the prince enjoys her company and he has found her of great help in the recent troubles he has had at home .
10 He 'd secured her with practised ease , and so fast that she had n't even been aware of it happening .
11 She 'd fled , but not before he 'd accused her with brutish , angry words of a number of character and personality deficiencies , the greatest of which appeared to be her total inability to appreciate the finer qualities of Marcus Pritchard .
12 If Guy had only exchanged contracts last week , he 'd organised himself with impressive speed .
13 After he 'd left her at Wild Tor , they would never see each other again .
14 And he 'd got lots of famous mates that want to play on his records , and he picks up a Grammy and releases records on scrupulous labels , instead of the 30 or more indie horsefixers he 's had the misfortune to deal with over the years .
15 On one occasion when he had arranged it with elaborate care , he charged a colleague who brushed against him in a narrow passage , destroying the structure of his toga .
16 Over the past few years , since she had broken off her engagement to Jean-Paul , he had seen her on various occasions — at balls in London , or at country-house weekends once at Christian Glendinning 's parents ' house , but they had spoken only briefly .
17 Noel Cooper was lifted aboard : he had seen nothing of Norman Teacher since the Lt-Cmdr swam off towards the shore .
18 Eating the cake , he had felt it like tasteless dough in his mouth , every mouthful an act of shared indecency .
19 It is said that he was found out by one of the groups of civilian vigilantes who sprang up spontaneously on 22 December : apparently he had disguised himself in ordinary working clothes and was driving a Dacia 1300 when stopped , but suspicion was aroused when a search of his car revealed citrus fruits , like oranges and pineapples , in the boot — no ordinary Romanian had access to them .
20 None of the bargeowners could afford to waste electricity , and the display was really intended for much later at night , but he had turned it on early to surprise and please them .
21 In the preceding months he had prepared himself with meticulous care , filling his mind with distilled knowledge , drop by drop , until … it was almost brimming over .
22 Of course it was not certain either that Zoser had done it or that , if he had done it , he had done it for sectarian reasons .
23 He had done it with consummate aplomb .
24 He had not only preserved the room , he had cleaned it with meticulous care and provided fresh flowers in the little glass spill .
25 He had watched it in early May , as the tiny breaking leaves spread a pinkish haze over the magnificent skeleton .
26 He had introduced her to physical passion , and at the same time ignited a fire in his own sensual , earthy Taurean nature that had proved impossible to quench .
27 Germon and Shane Thomson are two of the gentlemen of New Zealand cricket , and one run later Germon took Thomson 's word for it that he had caught him at extra cover , and walked .
28 And as he held his finger to his lips , she remembered that he had told her in strict confidence that the complex belonged to him .
29 For confirmation I visited him in prison , where in protest against his incarceration he had put himself in solitary confinement , and found him to be sandy-haired , bullet-headed and verbose , yet with a redeeming sense of humour ; his passionate denials of having played any part in the Ayr murder were too convincing to have been invented .
30 How was such malignant hatred brought to birth , when he had meant nothing but good , and tried with all his soul to work no evil against them ?
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