Example sentences of "he have [verb] [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 " Whatever it was you said to him has caused him to cancel the work I was doing for him .
2 And he has to pray they do the business … starting tonight against Spartak .
3 He has given very little account of how he spent his time , but he has said he spent the majority of that time with a travelling circus , both in this country and in the Irish Republic .
4 Well the problem is he has to say he has a licence for you , he has n't so , it 's possible that Terry will be .
5 He has made himself appear a poodle of the executive . ‘
6 He tells his mother he has cut himself to explain the blood on his jeans .
7 From what he has heard he fears the worst about the likelihood of a quick turnaround on the field .
8 Although he did not wish to have his name mentioned fearing his surgery would be swamped by expectant mothers , he has helped us write an eight point guide to having your baby at home .
9 And the prophecy of Isaiah 61 : 1 , ‘ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me , for he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor … ’ stands in Luke 's Gospel ( 4:18 ) , as a beacon shedding light over the whole of his ministry .
10 He has to determine what constitutes the verbal event , and what form he will transcribe it in .
11 He 'd seen her buy the cards and stamps and go through the list of presents to get , seen her write letters to elderly relatives , make the puddings and the mince pies , clean the house , polish the little pieces of silver and brass she 'd acquired , make long shopping lists and then go out and buy things , wrap presents and take out their old Christmas tree and sort through the ornaments .
12 A year later , when the war had started and Gordon was already in the Navy , she 'd met this Peter in Bond Street and he 'd invited her to have a drink , reaching for her elbow .
13 As soon as he 'd gone she seized the crutch he 'd brought up , and , hobbling into the bathroom , closed the door with a bang .
14 Leonora nodded obediently , but the moment he 'd gone she drew the kettle over the heat on the Aga before going upstairs with her little hoard of shopping .
15 Now the authority of the community was carried by the Sanhedrin they brought him to what is what they accepted as a trial erm they 'd assessed that something was going against their structures , and as I 've already said religious life was the most important thing he 'd broken it seems a religious law and the council the court the gathering together of the seventy members of the Sanhedrin were going to in a serious sort of way check this out , check this accusation out .
16 But he 'd made it swallow a hook beforehand — ( Serafine opens her mouth and wiggles her little finger inside , and both Xanthe and Miranda squirm at the sight of her soft tongue , imagining the laceration , the capture. ) — And this little hook 's at the end of a thread , and the thread 's attached to a trapeze of sticks hanging above .
17 He 'd thought he had the longest living hamster in captivity .
18 He 'd encouraged her to enter a writing competition .
19 When he 'd finished he threw the beer-tin into the pool with the anemones in it .
20 But to the right of the window he 'd opened he found an old ivy creeper clawed to the brickwork .
21 When they had eventually managed to get him out of the house he 'd helped her to carry the remaining dishes from the dining-room , a thing he never did .
22 Earlier that very week , in fact , as he 'd filled up the Jaguar with Gulf-inflated gasoline , he 'd found himself surveying the display of the semi-pornographic magazines arranged along the highest shelf above the dailies ; and re-acquainted himself with such reasonably familiar titles as Men Only , Escort , Knave , Video XXXX , and so many others , each of them enticing the susceptible motorist with its cover of some provocatively posed woman , vast-breasted and voluptuous .
23 He 'd admitted he owned the Mercedes , but it had been exactly that … an admission , rather than a revelation .
24 It was as though they had returned to the relationship there had been between them on Ridgery Butts when he had taught her to use the bow , and encouraged her with gentle praise .
25 He was so moved by what he saw inside the orphange that he felt he had to do something to give the children a better start .
26 When Waterman finally got a glimpse of the superstar he had created he saw a Kylie unlike anything he had seen before .
27 In those early months he had wanted her to know the magnitude of what he had done and that he had done it for her .
28 Half seriously , half as a joke he had asked her to write a short piece for him on what she had termed in conversation with him ‘ wasted women ’ .
29 At the time he had believed she felt the same .
30 Moreover since he did not wish to have preying on his mind any malice or grudge by reason of which his father might later be offended , he revealed that he had pledged himself to support the barons of Aquitaine against his brother Richard and said that he had done this because Richard had fortified the castle of Clairvaux though it really belonged to the Angevin patrimony which he should inherit from his father . "
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