Example sentences of "he [num ord] [vb past] [prep] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sir Eric Ash was appointed Rector of Imperial in 1985 , almost exactly 40 years after he first stepped through its doors as a 17-year-old undergraduate .
2 As for how he first came into my hands , you shall ask him that for yourself . ’
3 Raskolnikov turns to Sonya ; ‘ it was to her , Sonya , that he first went with his confession ; when he felt the need of a human being , he sought the human being in her ’ — which does indeed isolate for a moment , and emphasize , the mystic business of his alienation from the human family ; and for this moment the dross ( as it were ) of Sonya and of Raskolnikov is withheld ; the god in his humanity is looking for the god in hers .
4 Laing has striven hard over the years to implement the enlightened human relations policies he first learned from his grandfather .
5 Professor St John Goth heard a door a few minutes before he last looked at his watch at twelve-forty-five .
6 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when he last discussed with his EC opposite numbers revision of regional development areas ; and if he will make a statement .
7 He next bestowed on his favourites all those offices that had hitherto been held by the Woodvilles , thus weakening their position and strengthening his own .
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