Example sentences of "he [vb -s] with a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He has a few modish novels , a collection of articles by Paul Bordieu , a copy of the New York Review and some scripts lying on the table in front of the sofa where he sits with a bottle of Yorre — never Perrier — and an ice bucket of champagne , sacramental , in front of him to greet the actresses as they are shown in .
2 It consists of making categorical and systematic certain distinctions made , and preferences expressed , by Eliot in his essays ; and then dismissing Pound merely because he writes with a measure of respect of certain writers ( Swinburne is one example ) on whom Eliot , the arbiter of taste , is supposed to have conclusively turned down his thumbs .
3 All this involves him in a vast amount of estate business as well as , he says with a mixture of relish and despair , ‘ this desperate business of patronage ’ .
4 ‘ This ’ , he says with a wave of his hand , ‘ is the Periodicals Room , that ’ , with a nod , ‘ is CBI , a universal English language bibliography , dictionary arrangement with author , title and subject entries : You must remember that the main entry is author ’ …
5 ‘ No , ’ he says with a trace of irritation .
6 For his third exhibition at Bernard Jacobson , Maurice Cockrill has made ‘ The Four Seasons ’ , four oval canvases which he shows with a group of new pictures on door panels .
7 So he ends with a toast to the bridesmaids and/or Matron of Honour .
8 The last seven lines on three rhymes break the pattern of units of sense on single rhymes as the meditator signals by means of the present tense : " lufe chawnges my chere " , the possibility of transformation to a state where he can hear the melody to which love dances , and he ends with a statement of faith , " be my lufyng , I lufe may syng " .
9 ‘ I remember the days , ’ he recalls with an air of maturity which seems strangely at odds with his T-shirt and shorts , ‘ I remember the days at Virgin when we had to see three people in the morning and three people in the afternoon , straight off the street .
10 He engages with a sense of Being eternally present , not driven and limited by the demands of time .
11 He opens with a history of homebuilts dating from Sir George Cayley ( who would have approved the sage advice to get an experienced hand to make the first test flight of your creation , though in his case the unfortunate man was more adept at handling a coach-and-four than a flying machine ) and proceeds through the Flying Flea era to the post-war rebirth in France and the USA , thence to Rutan and the foam/fibreglass revolution , and on to the 1980s emergence of IFR-capable alabaster-smooth hot-rod kitplanes that will blow the socks off anything Vero Beach and Wichita are ( or more accurately are n't ) building .
12 He endeavours to endow the tolerance he proposes with an element of respect .
13 He also says that he fears that he and his family , as members of the Bengali community , would be in danger of racial harassment if they lived in Carradale House , and this he supports with an affidavit on the subject of such harassment sworn by a former employee of his solicitors .
14 In the blue corner , Phil ‘ Blue Whale ’ King takes on allcomers as he grapples with a host of wrestling games and performs his famous belly flop !
15 Kennedy J. , at p. 346 , said : " To make a … rule which has the effect of debarring a man from the exercise of an absolute statutory right , unless he complies with a number of requirements is … clearly ultra vires . "
16 He works with a mixture of screeprinting and paints and his current work is rich in depictions of dinosaurs and automobiles .
17 He works with a team of senior tutors whose number has increased broadly in line with the growth of the Course and of its popularity .
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