Example sentences of "he [vb mod] [verb] it [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If he can not lift the leg unaided , he may move it by clasping his hands together just below the knee , holding the shin bone firmly , and using his hands to lift the leg up , shifting his weight sideways towards his unaffected side as he does so .
2 Its good reception encouraged Boyle to set pen to paper , publishing his results in June 1663 , at which time he observed , ‘ Nor is it only by dissection of various animals that the naturalist may promote the anatomist 's knowledge , but perhaps he may do it by devising ways to make the dead bodies of man and other animals keep longer than naturally they would do . ’
3 A young wife may assume that her husband will come shopping with her and he may take it for granted that she will stay at home while he goes to the local football match , or plays golf with the boys .
4 Vietnam 's withdrawal is the best opportunity he will have to lead his country once more , but he may botch it by taking one political twist too many .
5 He 'll put it in writing tomorrow , ’ Davidson summarized succinctly .
6 If we met someone who held this view he might justify it by saying something like : ‘ I prefer travelling by motor car from Oxford to Westminster , let's say , or from — ’ Where do you live ?
7 He tried how he could bear it by putting his fingers into the lighted candle , so I the other day tried if I could scour a pewter plate .
8 This he did , and when he had learned to ride it he realized what a radical improvement it would be if he could propel it without putting his feet on the ground .
9 He would obey it by consulting the computer for the information he has missed .
10 Will my right hon. Friend agree to talk to the museum to ascertain whether he can guide it in filling the gap ?
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