Example sentences of "he [vb -s] not have a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He does not have a conscience , it is our job to provide him with that .
2 In January 1852 he writes to Louise and explains , yet again , his incorrigibility : he is as he is , he can not change , he does not have a say in the matter , he is subject to the gravity of things , that gravity ‘ which makes the polar bear inhabit the icy regions and the camel walk upon the sand ’ .
3 Fulke Walwyn , who kept on winning it , has by far the best record but he does not have a runner this year .
4 If it picks an insider or a retiree , then we will all be back to writing the company 's obituary in three months ' time so it has to be an outsider , and one name canvassed that should be crossed off the list at once is that of ‘ Neutron ’ Jack Welch , boss of General Electric Co — not because he does n't have the capability but because he does not have a background in the computer industry .
5 He does n't have a surname , like many men on the islands , ’ Reid explained .
6 His ca n't be traced because he does n't have a licence for it . ’
7 ‘ No , he does n't have a name as far as you 're concerned .
8 He does n't have a minute . ’
9 I sit around here all night to make sure he does n't have a relapse .
10 He does n't have a bean , other than what we lend him .
11 He does n't have a clue , really .
12 It is quite clear he does n't have a clue about the keys .
13 He says he only bought them 10 days ago , but he does n't have a receipt to prove it .
14 But he does n't have a day , only minutes 10 minutes here , 15 minutes there . ’
15 He will almost certainly complete the turn hard up against the kerb , front wheel off the ground , still using body weight to steer ( with the front wheel airborne he does n't have a lot of choice ) as the rear tyre continues to lay down its tell-tale streak of hot rubber .
16 ‘ He … he does n't have a lot of free time — ’
17 Spoiling him , he does n't have a plate at home for his bread and butter .
18 he comes home at , at nine o'clock and he , he does n't have a thing to eat and he goes out playing squash , then he 's not eating his main meal till eleven o'clock at night .
19 He does n't have a mortgage .
20 Well the thing is he does n't have a dinner every day of the week .
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