Example sentences of "he [vb past] a good [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time , he made a good contribution on the difficulty in which Labour will find itself , if it is ever in government , with its massive plans for overspending .
2 It became clear to me at Blackpool that there was considerable support for Alec , partly because he made a good speech on foreign policy , partly because he took the chair at my meeting in his capacity as President of the National Union , and partly because of lobbying by back-benchers who saw him as the best compromise candidate .
3 After that no studio would touch him , although he made a good living as an actor and was even reunited with Gloria Swanson to recount more glorious days in Sunset Boulevard .
4 He made a good living from his extensive knowledge of breakbeats and old funk records , and eventually Beats International evolved quite naturally out of his love of DJing .
5 And he , he got a good price for them with them being washed for to put potatoes in .
6 True , he owned a good deal of this land and could stop any building on his own acres .
7 Finally , he devoted a good deal of attention to the problem of the implications of his general historical approach for understanding the character of Christianity itself , particularly in The Absoluteness of Christianity ( 1901 ; E.T .
8 He caught a good couple of pounds of roach on ledgered casters from bites that were all but invisible .
9 Gerald Ford , the leader of the Republicans in the House , ‘ might have become a pretty good Grand Rapids insurance agent ; he played a good game of golf , but he was n't excessively bright ’ .
10 We arranged to meet outside his local church , and first of all he took us to a garage where he negotiated a good price for a new car battery !
11 Although he spent a good part of each year in England , he ruled in the personal manner of his father and great-uncle .
12 To correct the curve it was necessary to stretch the concavity and contract the convexity — in furtherance of which he spent a good deal of his time moving across the floor in a peculiar creeping posture , which Doctor Staples referred to as ‘ Klapp 's crawl ’ .
13 He spent a good deal of time in his satires , presenting himself as a satirist — unplaced , unpensioned , no man 's heir or slave he proudly describes himself as he tells us that he 's willing to lash out at even the most eminent public figures .
14 On the appointed day Modigliani appeared looking confident and distinguished in his cords and red scarf ; he ordered a good bottle of wine and began to rhapsodize about Gaby 's beauty and charm .
15 He enjoyed a good relationship with Acheson and it suited both men for Dulles to be closely involved in policy formulation : Acheson because it would diminish at least some of the acrimony in Congress and Dulles because he wished to consolidate his record so that he could become Secretary of State in the next Republican administration .
16 He enjoyed a good relationship with the corporation and particularly its able engineer , James Newlands , but encountered difficulties with the select vestry ( responsible for poor-law institutions ) , particularly during the years when epidemics of typhus ( 1847 ) and cholera ( 1849 , 1854 ) ravaged the town .
17 At the Wardrobe , he undertook a good deal of the accounting work himself , but used three of his own dependants — Hales , Raylton , and Cotton — when he was too busy .
18 He kept complaining in his broad Lancashire accent that he needed a good dose of his mother 's ‘ Lancashire remedy ’ — a mixture of ipecacuanha and liquorice to which he was addicted .
19 He derived a good deal of entertainment from watching the engaged couples that came in .
20 He had squirrel eyes which darted about and he took a good look at her legs beneath her short skirt .
21 He saw a good deal of Eden in the next months , and with a genuine desire to see him Prime Minister gave him a lot of advice .
22 Francis knew that ; in fact , he knew a good deal about Warner , though he avoided using the name , as if anxious to extend his own reticence to others .
23 This week , he put a good case for regarding Alec Douglas-Home , Lord Home of the Hirsel , as one of the most under-rated comedians of the last 30 years .
24 The next day he went for a long walk , about 20 miles , during which he did a good deal of clear thinking in the mountains .
25 he did a good job on it , good job
26 Council leader Richard Short said : ‘ He did a good job for us when he was town crier and he just seems to have got himself dreadfully mixed up .
27 He did a good job with that milk did n't he ?
28 If he had a good fairy on hand he would ask her to wave her wand and change British spending habits .
29 He had a good idea of what was coming .
30 He had a good head of dark brown hair , and it looked as if he knew a decent barber .
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