Example sentences of "he [vb past] that he be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To his own distress , he realised that he was in danger of abandoning his self reliance , and making a friend of Merymose .
2 ‘ The morning after he admitted that he was in love with another woman , I lay on our bed as if suspended in space .
3 The hunt for other reasons to explain the behaviour of a Ceauşescu misses the point : he was not ‘ really ’ a patriot or ‘ at heart ’ a reformer , though when he proclaimed that he was at any given moment one thing , he was that but at the same time was the opposite .
4 He stated that he was in favour of Quebec remaining as part of Canada under the principle of " 10 equal provinces " , i.e. without " distinct society " provisions .
5 Similarly , when they exchanged the names of their schools , she found herself immensely relieved when he declared that he was at Winchester , for she had heard of Winchester , she knew something about Winchester , she did not have to feign a non-existent knowledge of Winchester .
6 He had three functions in which he knew that he was at home .
7 He knew that he was in the presence of one of the few men he might recognize as an equal , a kindred spirit .
8 In his younger days , he had been a middle-weight Army boxing champion , and now he dreamed that he was in the ring again , with a right-cross from a swarthy , swift-footed opponent smashing into the left-hand side of his jaw .
9 He dreamed that he was amongst dark waters , on a mudbank just above the surface .
10 As he was bringing it to his ear , he remembered that he was in his own apartment , alone .
11 He dreamt that he was in the coils of a giant worm , and when he woke he found the bedclothes wrapped tightly around him .
12 He dreamt that he was in Fagin 's house again , and could see the old man sitting in his corner , whispering to another man .
13 He said that he was under pressure from his own supporters to change radically the government 's approach to the economic problems .
14 He said that he was against that .
15 P'raps they 've gone blackberryin' , he thought and for a fleeting moment he wished that he was with them .
16 On the third day Susan received a letter from him in which he explained that he was in a clinic for marioc addicts , ‘ Not that I could be called an addict , ’ he wrote , ‘ and this place is more of a health farm , really . ’
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