Example sentences of "he [vb past] to [be] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He chanced to be on the Eddystone on the night of 26th November , 1703 , when the Great Storm , as recorded by Defoe , possibly the worst ever to lash this country , struck the South coast .
2 Daniel ( ’ Robinson Crusoe ’ ) Defoe , after reaching Saltash , which he found to be in a state of decay , and travelling to Liskeard , which was more to his taste , wrote , ‘ In the neighbourhood of these towns are many pleasant seats of the Cornish gentry … they are the most sociable , generous and to one another the kindest neighbours that are to be found ’ .
3 We do n't know who the man was , let alone how he came to be in the river .
4 No one saw how he came to be in the water .
5 He seemed to be at a loss .
6 He seemed to be in every room with her .
7 He seemed to be in a really good mood .
8 He seemed to be in a uniform of some sort , a slightly unconventional get-up but unmistakably an officer .
9 ‘ Only that he seemed to be in a decent position , and that he died . ’
10 Belov was loading up , getting ready to leave , and he seemed to be in a hurry .
11 He was staring across at the distant mountains ; he seemed to be in a reverie , unaware of her presence , and she hesitated for a moment before saying , ‘ Could I have a word with you , please ? ’
12 He seemed to be in a gloomy yet exultant mood at the approach of Lent .
13 Then , all at once , he seemed to be in the money ; he had a new BMW and a boat .
14 He loathed to be in the room now .
15 Candidates had to write down what they felt would most help them improve their lives and these suggestions were forwarded to the Prince in the diplomatic bag to wherever he happened to be in the world ; he then chose whom the money should go to .
16 The presence of a rival could blight his own prospects , and if he happened to be from the locality , then Owen O'Clery told himself he might as well be moving on immediately .
17 This must make him an ideal employer for Mrs Brocklebank whom he reckoned to be on the lazy side .
18 Trent reached the point which he had marked but now the current was that much stronger and he needed to be at the bridge .
19 He needed to be in a docile mood after a show to be able to talk .
20 The Noble Earl , Lord has been wounded by the suggestion he confessed to be in the last debate that Mr Howard has the intention of putting political friends into these jobs .
21 ‘ The Family in happier times , ’ Cowley observed , picking up a wedding photograph which he knew to be of the Hatches ' daughter and Jack Stone .
22 Chivalrous to a fault , the story of his taking only £100 of the £400 he knew to be aboard a stagecoach at Bagshot , on the condition that an attractive lady passenger would dance with him , is authentic .
23 In the second-half he appeared to be on a mental walkabout , at one point kicking direct into touch from a free-kick , forgetting that he would get no territorial gain .
24 He appeared to be in a very good mood about something .
25 As for Matt , he appeared to be in a dour mood and with little to say .
26 He appeared to be in a very bad way .
27 He appeared to be in no hurry , taking his time to consider each word with cautious deliberation , while Rosie and Ernest sat in silence , hardly daring to breathe .
28 He liked to be in a warm , dimly-lit room , thick with cigarette smoke and vibrant with witty conversation , with the dark outside , protective and all-enveloping .
29 He had to be at the Variety Theatre in Macklin Street at seven-thirty that night for another performance of The Hooded Owl .
30 That was one thing Andrew could n't do , because he had to be at the Works by eight o'clock and Emma did n't start school until nine .
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