Example sentences of "he [vb past] [prep] [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was as if the only thing he cared about was the stupid thing .
2 Contact was made with his son , Ian , who still runs the same garage and he was very interested in the ideas put forward , so much so that he agreed to be the main sponsor for the project .
3 What is much more difficult to know is what were his motives for the decision , and what he expected to be the likely outcome .
4 From obscure origins he rose to be the best-known Wiltshire clothier of his day , famous in the 1540s for his use of the buildings of Malmesbury Abbey as industrial workshops .
5 Brundle , who had risen briefly to third place during the tyre stops , was again completely out of luck and , like Johnny Herbert , was forced to retire by a collision in which he seemed to be the innocent party .
6 The King was in no position to make such a decision and , in any case , Baldwin had already decided to meet Parliament when he met the King on 10 December , and so the King did not even have to persuade him to adopt what he believed to be the correct course .
7 He was an outspoken opponent of episcopal pretensions and a staunch upholder of what he believed to be the ancient rights of the monastery of Evesham .
8 The seat he climbed into was the only empty one in the car .
9 In responding to a plea for help from Spain 's Popular Front government , Stalin was thus pursuing what he perceived to be the foreign policy interests of the Soviet Union .
10 Set against these were what he took to be the essential strengths and cultural possibilities of the German spirit , which in recent generations — and most clearly in the age of Goethe — had been partially realized and whose full realization was an ever-present dream .
11 This is fighting talk , and suggests his fond memories of Maurras and the Action Française , but it was only talk — perhaps it was Eliot 's way of enlivening what he thought to be the muted tone of discussion in England ; perhaps it was also a method of inspiring his colleagues at the Moot whom he called " companions in affliction " , intellectuals or refugees who were on the periphery of events to which there was no foreseeable end .
12 If he went to be the head gardener of another greenhouse and did another ten years teaching among the geraniums , what species of hothouse plant might result ?
13 More than twenty years ago , the archivist Emmison tried to convey to teachers what he felt to be the special qualities of an original document : The original document is in a sense more real than any text book can hope to be ; for the writer , though he may have been misguided , biased or mistaken , at least lived through the events of which he speaks ; and whatever his shortcomings , he was in certain respects better informed about the times and conditions in which he lived than is the interpreter writing two or three hundred years afterwards .
14 Yet he proved to be the right man in the right place at the right time .
15 Said he wanted to be the pretty one for a change .
16 By writing this story virtually as a film script and having it turned into a film very soon afterwards , Franco made it clear that Raza also represented what he wanted to be the popular , mass vision of him .
17 Mr Finlay 's main concern about bookshop events was what he considered to be the unequal sharing of costs .
18 His depression had been caused at first by what he considered to be the disturbing condition of the victors after the war : he was uneasy about the foreign policy of both England and the United States , as well as about the intentions of Russia .
19 Professor Kellert used the results of his survey to identify what he considered to be the main animal characteristics that guided North American preferences .
20 Following the organic method Spengler delineated what he considered to be the significant ideas and symbols of the spring , summer , autumn and winter phases of each culture .
21 In 1904 the Daily Mail published his campaign against what he considered to be the unjust imprisonment of Adolf Beck which , it was claimed , was partly responsible for the Criminal Appeal Act , 1907 .
22 Once more Bukharin dwelt upon what he considered to be the unique character of the Russian revolution : that it was a combination of workers revolution and peasant war , which implied the need for a long-term alliance between the two classes .
23 He specialised in collecting the work of four artists he considered to be the true Cubists , Picasso , Braque , Leger and Gris .
24 This was to be his most important contribution towards the new Foreign Office , but throughout the whole campaign , he unswervingly pursued what he considered to be the ideal solution to the problem .
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