Example sentences of "he [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 It was almost a running dive he made across the gallery and to his bedroom , but he did it on tip-toe .
2 Although Durkheim had made use of official statistics and standardised arithmetic procedures , such as averages and percentages , for theoretical purposes , the connections he made between the data and his theoretical conclusions were largely impressionistic if , from his point of view , effective enough .
3 Sir James Reckitt did some amateur excavating when he lived at the manor and some stones , which could have formed church windows , can still be seen in the gardens of houses since built on the site .
4 Cotton wrote of Walter Hagen : ‘ He lived like a prince and people treated him like one .
5 True enough , he lived in a caravan and travelled from town to town with the others in his travelling group but it was n't a garishly painted van like the ones old time gypsies occupied , just a normal common-or-garden caravan , the type people stay in on holiday , but that did n't make him a gypsy .
6 He won every regional heat when he lived in the South and says lots of familiar faces reappear in the competition each year .
7 Apart from his name nothing more is known about the publisher other than he lived in the village and the preservation society are hoping local people reading the re-print will be able to give more details .
8 In June 1827 he succeeded to the title and estates of his uncle Charles .
9 In 1930 he succeeded to the earldom and to an alarming load of debt .
10 This he inserted under the spring and put his own booted foot on the trap .
11 A SCHOOLBOY escaped severe injury last night when he plunged through a skylight and crashed on to a bed .
12 He plunged on the bomber and raked it from tail to nose ; then let his dive carry him under it and pulled up in time to plant a burst in its belly before climbing into a half-roll which brought the next plane almost within range .
13 He limped across the pavement and clambered into his car .
14 The temperature had dropped during the night , and the dead leaves underfoot were bearded with ice ; they broke and crackled as he limped around the car and opened the trunk to get his kit .
15 He registered with the DSS and filled in all the forms .
16 Receiving slow ball from a line-out , he doubled round the front and shot up the touchline to beat the final cover with a deft piece of footwork .
17 Tommy Cooper talking at length about when he ruled at the Den and we 'll be talking to about his Norwegian career and his arrival at the City ground .
18 By protecting the producers and merchants and by imposing tolls and customs dues he could profit from it doubly so if he ruled over the English and Norman ports into which the wine was imported .
19 When he passed through the doorway and closed the door behind him Paige could scarcely credit what had happened .
20 Here at a private table before a crackling log fire , he passed round the claret and addressed his minions as follows : " You 'll find pressure on you here to sell these bloody OTC .
21 As they came up into the May morning he hopped over the ditch and skipped into the long grass as blithe as a squirrel .
22 He winked at the Duke and called across to him , ‘ What a grand thing , your Honour , to have a wedding without a minister ! ’
23 That afternoon ( it was all on a Sunday ) he saw Chamberlain , and having directly asked him whether he agreed with the others and having received an affirmative answer , told him to call a meeting of the Shadow Cabinet for the following day at which he would say goodbye .
24 These details make it clear that Beveridge regarded young workers as constituting a separate source of labour supply which required specialized provision and that he agreed with the ASEA and the ‘ boy labour ’ reformers in wishing to see the transition from school to work treated as an educational matter ( though not necessarily one controlled by the Board of Education ) .
25 He crept to the door and opened it , blinking at the bright light .
26 He crept into the kitchen and closed the door behind him , making sure its heavy curtain stretched right to the wall on either side .
27 They were exotic , impoverished days for Nicholson and , above all , big experiences for the boy from Neptune who had by now left the protective custody of his sister/mother and was sharing an apartment with one of a group of friends who he met at the time and with whom he remained close when he became well known .
28 William II was not popular and offended the monastic chroniclers , but he met with an accident and died on a hunting trip in the New Forest , in August 1100 .
29 Whilst there Norman had his twenty-first birthday , a fact he announced to a girl he met in a café and who took him off around Antwerp in celebration , on a journey of discovery that lasted two days .
30 He tumbled through the air and stopped .
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