Example sentences of "he [coord] he [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He fell sideways , but I knew he was n't knocked out , he still kept hold of me , I suddenly felt I had to kill him or he would kill me .
2 Either she told him or he would force it from Una .
3 ‘ The horse seems to have improved since we put blinkers on him and he 'll wear them at Ayr .
4 Ah you 're not supposed to do that to them , you 've got ta bowl it to him and he 'll bowl it back to you .
5 The closed doors would hold it for him and he would smoke it on the way back as he had smoked that earlier one on the way down from Finchley Road .
6 A waiter came to deal with the mess , and while he was kneeling there Sheridan said loudly that the waiter was sneering at him and he would get him fired . ’
7 He did understand , and told me to stay close to him and he would take me to the YWCA .
8 He said I could leave it with him and he 'd sort it out .
9 They rushed out into Regent 's Park — out of earshot — and Simon told her , yes of course he was forcing her hand , it was blackmail : he did love her so , she was the right one for him and he 'd take her tomorrow on five hundred pounds , if someone would lend them to him , and he did rather fancy himself as a married man at twenty-one .
10 That was the way we became his followers , the way we got saved , it 's the way we continue , it 's the way and it 's the only re the only method by which we will ever stand before him and he will usher us into his presence to stand eternity with him , through his grace and as we see others , not in a sense of condemnation , not in a sense of self righteousness or pointing the finger , as we see others we can say with that man of old who , as he watched the , the man being dragged , to the , to the gallows , there but for the grace of God , goes I , goes me and there but for God 's grace , think of that most , that worse condition that you know , think of that person who has messed their life up more than any body else and er , who has made a total wreck of it , there but for the grace of God is you and there 's me , oh thank God for his grace .
11 She has only to consent , to be passive , to welcome him and he will take her home , will welcome her into his kingdom and his kingdom will be her flesh .
12 And er he was the choir master erm and he and he used to put us onto , we used to have various plays you know , erm maybe two a year or something like that .
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