Example sentences of "he [adv] [vb past] [pron] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I believe that Stalin was paranoid about other people in the Soviet Union rising up and overthrowing him , so by bumping off Kirov and blaming on them , he effectively gave himself a licence to go out and kill all other them as revenge .
2 He resented the implied criticism , and defended himself by saying he merely gave her a book which he happened to have with him , rather than one he felt suitable for such a person .
3 He erm , he left school , he only told them the day before .
4 And when I worked for her boss he only paid me a fiver !
5 He just handed me the photograph of Sam , then took the letters and walked away .
6 He did n't dislike the man ; he just found him a bore .
7 The vicar , Charles Fry , taught me elementary Greek on Saturdays in my latter years at school , and in return I wrote some letters at his dictation , for which he generously gave me a shilling an hour .
8 A slight break in the older man 's voice suggested he already suspected what the answer might be and was afraid .
9 She sometimes wondered if he ever gave her a thought between departing from Taipei early on Monday mornings and his Friday evening returns .
10 She wondered how he saw her — that was , if he ever gave her a thought , apart from in her official capacity .
11 He still thought her a traitor .
12 He still owed her a fiver more than he had on him , she complained .
13 Yet at the age of forty he still regarded himself a failure because his mother had projected on to him her anxieties to such an extent that he never felt he matched up to her expectation of him .
14 Mr Berecz said he still considered himself a member of the old party and refused to recognise the new one — despite voting for its establishment — but did not rule out the possibility of seeking admission to it .
15 I was dead against it , but he always did what the family wanted .
16 As for Vivian ( Lord ) Bowden I can only report that he once offered me a job in what was to become UMIST and was particularly accommodating when I asked for time to think about it .
17 He also hired himself a cook-housekeeper-secretary , Cathy Allen , the wife of an actor friend .
18 He also made her a piece of toast .
19 He also made it a condition that she be treated by a psychiatrist for a period not exceeding one year .
20 He also showed me the passage in Captain Marryat 's Mr Midshipman Easy where Easy Sir , having invented a machine to alter the bumps on his head , tries to improve his personality ; with fatal results .
21 He also gave him an overcoat .
22 He also gave us the name of an excellent brickie who had worked with d-i-yers before and was to give us some good advice , as well as building straight walls .
23 He smilingly proffered me a cup of watered wine in one of the goblets I had hidden away the previous evening .
24 Although he now realised what the phenomenon was that he had just witnessed , he found it impossible to digest the truth before his very eyes : Firelight had given birth to a baby .
25 He immediately saw what the ferrymaster had been talking about .
26 He kindly gave me a lift home en route to get his bike : he had a nasty fall off it last week and so it had to be repaired .
27 He even got himself a VC in the most alarming circumstances , but that did not stem my tears that I shed for this man .
28 " Of course , " he said , " of Course , " and he even showed her the corridor that led to the Ladies ' room , and she escaped , and they escaped from each other .
29 One or two people in the streets talked to me , including the man who sold the corn to feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square — in fact he even gave me a kiss .
30 He even gave us a talk about his love of birds at the Tory Party Conference .
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