Example sentences of "he [adv] [verb] [pron] to the " in BNC.

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1 Or is he secretly selling us to the South ?
2 He just put it to the poor bastard .
3 No problem though for Tony he just hit it to the other side .
4 There he generously offered it to the Magistrate , who was busy carrying cartridges to the firing-step .
5 He also sent it to the Royal Academy 's Summer Exhibition in 1955 together with his portrait of Elroy Josephs and another pastiche , Coriolanus ( Colour Plate XXI ) , based on a Signorelli in the National Gallery .
6 He also presented himself to the Rehabilitation Officer and has been a very great nuisance to him …
7 If he later denied it to the police , that would not be unusual , either .
8 Dino is cool to skate with because he is better then me and he really pushes everything to the maximum .
9 He simply devoted himself to the sport and was never in any doubt about what he wanted to be , ’ adds Sid .
10 North had already thrashed out a democratic manifesto for a unified opposition in Nicaragua , the leaders and himself scribbling it out in a cramped hotel room in Miami ; at the hearings , he proudly compared it to the sweaty wranglings in Philadelphia over the Constitution .
11 He then takes it to the bank and gets the money , to spend as he chooses .
12 he bound her hands and raped her … he then drove her to the nearby village of Olney … where she was raped again …
13 He then directs him to the message to the angel of the church at Laodicea in the third chapter of Revelation .
14 Churchill indeed was so overcome with the romance of it all that he briefly reconciled himself to the departure of the British from his beloved India .
15 And he gave me a smacker on the forehead , said he 'd keep me up his sleeve if he never made it to the altar .
16 But there again , he never sent her to the really big houses because , as he said , if there was anything going , the servants would have had the first pick .
17 He quietly took them to the back of the house before they left .
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