Example sentences of "not seem to be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The modern pressures on a clergy family do not seem to be explained to the laity .
2 Furthermore , the balance of the domestic division of labour does not seem to be related to the work done by men .
3 One surprising aspect of the recall results was that they did not seem to be related to previous knowledge of the junctions , it had seemed possible that even simple junctions would be memorable if they had not been previously encountered .
4 Chemiluminescence was also inhibited by indomethacin , but this did not seem to be related to inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase .
5 The mechanism by which H pylori infection increases serum gastrin is unknown but does not seem to be related to the bacterium 's urease activity or any effect of this on antral surface pH .
6 The course and severity of the pulmonary involvement does not seem to be related to the activity of the intestinal disease .
7 Dreaming does not seem to be confined to our own species : research on the subject would appear to indicate that animals likewise have dreams : we have all seen a sleeping dog twitch as it ‘ chases rabbits ’ .
8 Evidence for this comes from the fact that the ambivalent expression does not seem to be confined to a limited range of situations , in which individuals find themselves on public display , especially to an audience from a higher social class or more advanced educational attainment .
9 Greg was uncertain how to respond to this addendum , which did not seem to be addressed to him .
10 You do n't seem to be listening to yourself . ’
11 She was still talking about the snake that lived under the water tank when Tom swung the wheel and purred rapidly up the hospital driveway , and if his face was still set in a grim frown and he did n't seem to be listening to her words at all , she should n't have minded , because the object of the exercise had been to entertain Faye , not him .
12 I am sorry to have to disturb you at home , ma'am , but you do n't seem to be connected to the telephone system . ’
13 She wished the man would hurry up ; he did n't seem to be objecting to the way the young assistant was dragging out the transaction .
14 As you do n't seem to be responding to telegrams for reasons best known to yourself , I am writing to say that I am not coming home immediately .
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