Example sentences of "not mean that [pers pn] do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 The greatest number of past lives experienced by any of my patients during the course of such discovery is eight — but this does not mean that we do not have far more than that , simply that the patient chose to stop after that number .
2 That does not mean that we do not still have problems in rural areas .
3 I do not mean that they do not differentiate between dog and man , only that we have become integrated into their already existing , instinctive mental-behavioural patterns .
4 Although technical barriers mainly arise in Germany and the Netherlands , the fact that they are relatively unapparent in other countries such as Spain and Italy does not mean that they do not present a potential threat , in so far as the removal of structural barriers to takeovers may result in the creation of technical barriers as companies react to defend themselves .
5 The fact that the Anonymous Fellowships are not run by the medical profession does not mean that they do not exist or that they do not work except for a handful of rather strange zealots .
6 This does not mean that I do not believe in the existence of genuine déjà vu experiences — indeed I have already shown that I do .
7 This does not mean that I do not believe there are issues where principle is paramount ; but there are great many issues where principle is misguided or even hypocritical , and it is a fair accusation that I tend to suspect this more often than most people .
8 She 's saying it 's important to stand firm , not give in to terrorists , and the rest , but she 's said , ‘ That does not mean that you do n't negotiate …
9 I did n't mean that I do n't want to see your house .
10 It does n't mean that you do n't look for efficiencies but it does mean that we need to recognise that we are putting a burden on our staff which I think we will be callous and stupid to disregard .
11 And it does n't meant that I do n't love you . ’
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