Example sentences of "not be [vb pp] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The official turnout was 74 per cent , although there were claims that many voters had not been registered for the ballot .
2 But she had not been prepared for the intensity of her response .
3 But all the same , Sara had not been prepared for the girls ' curiosity about Matthew .
4 There is no point in simply applying lower speed limits on residential roads if the drivers have not been prepared for the fact that they must slow down .
5 Nathan had not been prepared for the bus trip into and out of the town and the long walk through the snow to a campsite either .
6 I had not been prepared for the volume of decisions I had to make .
7 In a letter to the London gallery , The Edge , a DTI official stated that details of the case had been passed to Customs and Excise for them to consider whether an offence had occurred as a licence had not been granted for the photographs in the current exhibition .
8 At some point during my stay in Wolverton there arose a rumour that the church of St James in the neighbouring railway-workers ' village of New Bradwell had not been consecrated for the performance of weddings .
9 We will probably have to prove that we have not been paid for the consignment .
10 As far as he knows Women in Love has not been adapted for the stage before , but already it is causing much interest from other theatres and companies .
11 Lawrence was elected British president , and discharged his difficult task with a calmness , courtesy , and firmness which won universal approval , even from the defendants , the soldiers among whom thought that their problems were appreciated by one who had gained the DSO as a gunner officer in World War I. Praise was also given by the British alternate judge , Sir Norman ( later first Baron ) Birkett [ q.v. ] , who was secretly resentful that he had not been chosen for the post .
12 A coherent strategy for retrospective conversion has not been attempted for the UK ( although it is known that there are stirrings of such an initiative in a European context , involving the British Library ) and lack of institutional funding for such unglamorous activities has ensured at best a piecemeal approach .
13 The report points out that the importance of developing good relationships with the small business customer can not be overstated for the banks .
14 He told the judge that he would not be instructed for the retrial .
15 ( d ) The warrant is necessary , for example , because consent could not be obtained for the search or the element of surprise is necessary .
16 To the extent that such rights and privileges are to be found in the Bill of Rights , in my judgment they will not be infringed for the reasons which I have given .
17 I have begun to sense that , despite the touching and the ‘ precious boy ’ , I may not be headed for the Dark where the soft , fat spiders watch and wait .
18 It was agreed that capital and corporal punishment should not be volunteered for the list of topics to be projected .
19 The cost of its operation is part of the budget and the state assets under the agency 's control must not be utilized for the purposes of the
20 ‘ But the same can not be said for the rest .
21 Her natural expression removes some of the horror of death and , with her floral tribute , looks more like Little Red Riding Hood asleep under the tree ; the same can not be said for the Hoskins child .
22 Unfortunately the same can not be said for the George IV Bridge Building .
23 What environmentalists are saying is that change should not be made for the benefit of a few and to the detriment of many .
24 The Court agreed that a non-custodial sentence could not be justified for the offence , and was satisfied that the offence called for a substantial sentence .
25 The Law society is seeking a ten year term for the contract , with some crucial provisions entrenched so that they can not be altered for the duration of the contract , except with the Society 's agreement .
26 Obviously it 'll not be done for the launch but he 's made a smart job of it it looks really smart done it in yellow , erm and really later on this week I 'm just tidying up , I 've got to go and see F I B just to make sure everything 's in place with them in the mounted section and really this time a week tomorrow it 'll be launched .
27 After all , I could not be punished for the death of Victor Frankenstein if he was not dead .
28 NEWCASTLE UNITED will not be punished for the touchline brawl with the Italians at St James ' Park .
29 ‘ We had informed the ACU of our plans and were told there was no objection ’ , Ernie told me , ‘ but then we received news that Mark would not be accepted for the Superteen because he did n't have a restricted licence and he had also scored points in the previous year 's British championship .
30 Mr Amanullah Khan , chairman of the JKNLF , told a press conference in Rawalpindi that Ms Sayeed should not be condemned for the crimes of her father , whom he denounced as a traitor .
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