Example sentences of "not be [verb] [conj] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 An antique revolver on display in his bookcase had not been fired since he had purchased it .
2 The circumstances of his adventure have not been recorded and it has never been authenticated .
3 Of the five potential transplant candidates who had not been referred and who had died , two suffered hepatocellular carcinoma ( diagnosed during routine monitoring in both instances , one with no further imaging , one with imaging showing tumour localised to the liver ) and three had cryptogenic cirrhosis ( one of these three patients was referred to a regional unit but not to a transplant unit ) .
4 When I came over here , I knew what the LH and the Grand Cherokee were , but they had not been introduced and I had n't driven them .
5 Write briefly how you , as a receptionist , would deal with the situation where guests complain that their room has not been cleaned and they have had to wait over a half an hour for room service .
6 The shopfittings had not been changed since it had been a High Street draper 's , or a confectioner 's perhaps ?
7 All the land and other assets had not been valued and there had been no consideration of a clawback provision should the company profit from subsequent disposals .
8 When using a rewarding strategy , it is important to make it quite plain to children that they will not be rewarded if they have previously asked for a reward ( 'Mummy , if I do my homework can I stay up late ? ' ) and to apply this rule rigorously .
9 He is a far more controlled fighter and his stamina can not be questioned for he had never gone beyond 10 rounds in his previous 36 fights .
10 But until changes in the registration of women 's occupation were introduced in 1986 there was a major difference between men and women : ‘ At the registration of the death of a child … the instructions to the registrars specify that the occupation … of a woman should not be recorded unless she has been in employment for most of her adult life . ’
11 But members of the fund-raising committee now believe it will not be run as they had hoped .
12 An initial child protection conference should not be called until there has been a s47 investigation into any incident or allegation of abuse which gives rise to concern .
13 Even though he had accepted general responsibility for his company 's operations , and would probably have agreed to print the books had the decision been referred to him , he could not be convicted unless he had been given specific notice of the offensive material .
14 As the company was a separate legal entity , and in the particular circumstances ( through its directing mind and will ) had consented to the husband 's drawing the cheques , it could not be said that he had appropriated the company 's property .
15 He said that while he viewed the ‘ inner circle ’ story as nonsense , the allegations could not be ignored and he had asked Mr Stevens to investigate .
16 ‘ Given the declining demand on ICI 's chlorine plants and with huge electricity price increases , this expenditure can not be justified and we have no choice but to announce this closure . ’
17 I said , ‘ The bandits will not be beaten until you have Osvaldo 's dead body . ’
18 Highways made the point that the yellow-line alterations and refuge islands are based on the present stop positions and they would prefer that these not be altered until we have experience of the new arrangements in operation .
19 And then the real work begins , to work it up to a higher and higher level , and this surely can not be done until you have fifteen or twenty years working with the one orchestra .
20 The counter-claim to this is that if your goods and services are competitive future trade will not be lost because you have a reasonable and commonsense approach to limiting credit orders to a certain size .
21 However , that is a mechanical provision : Williams v Singer is authority for the proposition that the trustees can not be assessed where they have made such a direction .
22 By what route the technique got into West Africa — or even whether it was independently devised there — can not be ascertained until we have discovered more sites of the first millennium AD , and earlier in West Africa .
23 He appears to have maintained in the Court of Session that the provisions of that Act should not be applied because it had been passed without his having had notice as required by Standing Orders …
24 But it can not be denied that they had neglected their fixed charities .
25 The lift must not be installed before you have grant approval .
26 We heard that some bishops had sent on training courses in preparation for ordination people who could not be ordained because they had been divorced and were remarried .
27 This exercise should not be attempted until you have first acquired the firm foundations outlined earlier , and it is essential to use the material in the exact way suggested .
28 If the new VAT rules have brought vexations in their wake , it should not be forgotten that they have been introduced because frontier controls are abolished from today .
29 The creditors ' committee does not come into being until the trustee has issued a certificate of its due constitution ( r 6.151 ) and his certificate must not be issued until he has received the written consent to act from three members of the committee ( r6.151(3A) ) .
30 The listing particulars may not be published until they have been approved by a competent authority in the member state ; the competent authority in the UK is the London Stock Exchange .
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